Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


English answer:

all the words listed that are count nouns can take "-s" at the end of the word

Added to glossary by Michael Powers (PhD)
May 25, 2003 21:41
21 yrs ago
English term
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Jan 7, 2008 12:01: Michael Powers (PhD) changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/52429">Michael Powers (PhD)'s</a> old entry - "images"" to ""all the words listed that are count nouns can take "-s" at the end of the word""

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pcovs May 29, 2003:
Christopher: You're so right! Asker: Do you really think we're daft and just needed the Q repeated?
Christopher Crockett May 27, 2003:
I'd vote to have moronic questions posted by annonymous askers outlawed. What's the point? (asker) May 25, 2003:
images images
Michael Powers (PhD) May 25, 2003:
Please provide more context


2 mins

Any of the words below that are count nouns (that can take -s at the end of the word)

The definition of "image" as found in the Random House Dictionary

im·age (imÆij), n., v., -aged, -ag·ing.
1. a physical likeness or representation of a person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made visible.
2. an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface.
3. a mental representation; idea; conception.
4. Psychol. a mental representation of something previously perceived, in the absence of the original stimulus.
5. form; appearance; semblance: We are all created in God's image.
6. counterpart; copy: That child is the image of his mother.
7. a symbol; emblem.
8. the general or public perception of a company, public figure, etc., esp. as achieved by careful calculation aimed at creating widespread goodwill.
9. a type; embodiment: Red-faced and angry, he was the image of frustration.
10. a description of something in speech or writing: Keats created some of the most beautiful images in the language.
11. Rhet. a figure of speech, esp. a metaphor or a simile.
12. an idol or representation of a deity: They knelt down before graven images.
13. Math. the point or set of points in the range corresponding to a designated point in the domain of a given function.
14. Archaic. an illusion or apparition.
15. to picture or represent in the mind; imagine; conceive.
16. to make an image of; portray in sculpture, painting, etc.
17. to project (photographs, film, etc.) on a surface: Familiar scenes were imaged on the screen.
18. to reflect the likeness of; mirror.
19. to set forth in speech or writing; describe.
20. to symbolize; typify.
21. to resemble.
22. Informal. to create an image for (a company, public figure, etc.): The candidate had to be imaged before being put on the campaign trail.
23. to transform (data) into an exact replica in a different form, as changing digital data to pixels for display on a CRT or representing a medical scan of a body part in digital form.
[1175–1225; (n.) ME < OF image, imagene (-ene appar. construed as suffix) < L im!gin-, s. of im!g$ a copy, likeness, equiv. to im- (cf. IMITATE) + -!g$ n. suffix; (v.) ME: to form a mental picture < OF imagier, deriv. of image]
—imÆage·a·ble, adj.
—imÆag·er, n.
—Syn. 1, 12. IMAGE, ICON, IDOL refer to material representations of persons or things. An IMAGE is a representation as in a statue or effigy, and is sometimes regarded as an object of worship: to set up an image of Apollo; an image of a saint. An ICON, in the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Church, is a representation of Christ, an angel, or a saint, in painting, relief, mosaic, or the like: At least two icons are found in each church. An IDOL is an image, statue, or the like representing a deity and worshiped as such: a wooden idol; The heathen worship idols. It may be used figuratively: to make an idol of wealth. 2. likeness, figure, representation. 3. notion. 6. facsimile.
—Ant. 6. original.
Peer comment(s):

agree J. Leo (X)
4 mins
thank you :)
agree Ino66 (X)
8 mins
thank you :)
agree Alaa Zeineldine : What more can you say about images:images.
18 mins
Agreed, if an image is an image, I imagine images are images - Einstein!
agree IVAN-57
6 hrs
thank you :)
agree pcovs
7 hrs
thank you PCovs :)
agree Magdalena_
8 hrs
thank you, Magdalena :)
agree wendyzee (X)
9 hrs
thank you, wendyzee :)
agree DGK T-I : an image of 'mn' looking up images in a dictionary
9 hrs
thank you Dr. Guili Kurisishvili :)
agree jerrie
10 hrs
thank you, jerrie :)
agree airmailrpl
12 hrs
thank you airmailrpl :)
agree David Moore (X) : spoilt for choice, huh?? Well well well!
13 hrs
thank you, David :)
agree Empty Whiskey Glass
13 hrs
thank you, Georgiev :)
agree Georgios Paraskevopoulos
15 hrs
thank you, Georgios :)
agree Christopher Crockett : Pick your own context, mn.
1 day 17 hrs
thank you, Cristopher :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
1 min


An image is a reproduction or imitation the form of a person or thing.

Note added at 2003-05-25 21:43:20 (GMT)

imitation of the form of a

Merriam Webster's

Peer comment(s):

neutral swisstell : imitation the form ?
57 mins
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11 hrs

the way a person is perceived

Example: If a person asks a question, and is asked politely for more context but answers rudely, what kind of image does that project?
Peer comment(s):

agree DGK T-I : :-) !
4 hrs
As a kid I read a funny and heart-warming book, "Anything Can Happen" by George and Helen Papashvily, which made me realize what a wonderfully positive image can be projected even in a strange land. Maybe it is even part of why I am a translator today.
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