Apr 4, 2008 17:08
16 yrs ago
English term

bin (and bin collection)

English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature adventure book for children
We are on top of a mountain, at a mountain hut:

On the weather side of the animal shelter was what appeared to be a stone-built storage area for ***bins***, bunker-like with heavily planked lids [...] "Not likely to get a ***bin collection*** up here. So what's being kept there?" he thought. [...] It was a perfect outside larder. Cuts of sheep were laid out on racks; dead mountain hares [...] hung from nails.

As I understand it, there is an area with several stone silos big enough to get in and store food; but what does "bin collection" mean? What is unlikely up in the mountains?
thanks a lot!


5 mins

dustbin (garbage can); regular emptying of dustbins by local authority.

High. This is UK English only. Bins are dustbins, for refuse (US English: garbage). They are collected regularly (once a week or once a fortnight) by the local authority's dustmen (binmen) or whatever the politically correct term is these days. From individual houses, they are just put out on the pavement (US English: sidewalk) for collection, but for blocks of flats (US English: apartments), they may stay permanently within stone silos, or in some screened off area.
Peer comment(s):

agree cmwilliams (X)
0 min
Thank you.
agree orientalhorizon
2 mins
Thank you.
agree Jack Dunwell : also, unlikely to drive their big uncramponned collecting vehicles up the North Face
2 mins
Thank you
agree Carol Gullidge
21 mins
Thank you.
agree Madeleine MacRae Klintebo
1 hr
Thank you.
agree P Waters
1 hr
Thank you.
agree Dana Rinaldi
1 hr
Thank you.
agree BrettMN : Just want to reiterate the sharp divide here between UK and US English; this is one of those (relatively few) words that just does not cross the Atlantic. You'll want to know who your audience is before deciding which word to use in translation.
2 hrs
Thank you. I quite agree, which is why I kept pointing up the differences in my answer.
agree Gary D
9 hrs
Thank you.
agree Phong Le
11 hrs
Thank you.
agree Cristina Santos
17 hrs
Thank you.
agree Patricia Townshend (X)
1 day 22 hrs
Thank you.
agree V_Nedkov
19 days
Thank you.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you :)"
5 mins

municiple garbage collection

When the garbage truck comes around and picks up your garbage. You put your "garbage bin" out on the edge of the sidewalk, and the truck picks it up.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gary D
9 hrs
agree V_Nedkov
19 days
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6 mins


Methinks bin means a garbage container, and bin collection means a service when someone would come with a truck on certain days of the week to pick up full bins and replace them with empty ones, which is an unlikely service up on a mountain top.
Peer comment(s):

agree V_Nedkov
19 days
Something went wrong...
6 mins

garbage collection


And it seems really unlikely at the top of a mountain. :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Gary D
9 hrs
agree V_Nedkov
19 days
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