Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

bulletin de paie

English translation:

pay slip

Added to glossary by Diana Donzelli-Gaudet
Jan 10, 2003 13:23
22 yrs ago
50 viewers *
French term

bulletin de paie

Non-PRO French to English Bus/Financial

Proposed translations

3 mins

pay slip

Peer comment(s):

agree Louise Dupont (X)
1 min
Thanks! ;o)
agree Crown (X) : or roll
7 mins
Thanks! ;o)
agree Jeannie Graham
20 mins
Thanks! ;o)
agree cjohnstone
24 mins
Thanks! ;o)
agree strawb (X)
2 hrs
agree LJC (X)
3 hrs
agree Mary Lalevee
3 hrs
agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : why do people repeat the same thing once it's entered???
6 hrs
I do not understand your comment...
agree Daniel Bichis
18 hrs
agree Renata Costa (X)
1 day 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
4 mins

statement of earnings and deductions

Peer comment(s):

agree Nathalie Andrews (X)
5 hrs
agree Renata Costa (X)
1 day 8 hrs
thank you
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5 mins

Pay slip

ou salary advice
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6 mins

pay slip / statement of earnings

État de la rémunération et des retenues sur le salaire accompagnant le chèque de paie.
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1 day 8 hrs

pay roll

I've heard it many, many times.
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