Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

chiffre d'affaires total hors taxe consolidé

English translation:

consolidated gross turnover/revenue before tax

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2011-04-06 20:54:14 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Apr 3, 2011 15:29
13 yrs ago
8 viewers *
French term

chiffre d'affaires total hors taxe consolidé

French to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) Public liabilityinsurance policy (France)
It is the sum upon which the insurance premium is based, i.e. there is a multiplier

Obviously it is gross turnover before tax but does "consolidé" add anything to the expression or can I ignore it?


rkillings Apr 4, 2011:
'before tax' Yes, it means 'avant impôts'. By definition, revenue is always before tax (on income); there would be no point in saying so. The question is, what is 'hors taxe' referring to? Presumably taxes on or included in gross receipts (VAT, sales taxes). It is meaningful to exclude these from revenue, but NOT tax on income.
AllegroTrans (asker) Apr 4, 2011:
VAT? The company operates across several jurisdictions - some of them don't use VAT, and anyway surely "before tax" means before company tax (and other forms of taxation on company profit)?
rkillings Apr 4, 2011:
'consolidated' you need 'total' you can leave out. But specify VAT -- don't just say 'tax'.
AllegroTrans (asker) Apr 3, 2011:
Many thanks Tony I'm sticking with "turnover" as the insurer uses this term on its own website
I will use "consolidated gross turnover before tax"
If you post it as an answer I will award points and close this,
Tony M Apr 3, 2011:
2 comments 1) Apparently, 'turnover' is now frowned upon by the international financial community, ad we are supposed to use 'revenue'

2) Yes, I think 'consolidated' does add something (at least, presumably, in the context of this particular company), and so I don't think it should be simply ignored.

Proposed translations

1 hr

consolidated gross revenue before tax

Apparently, 'revenue' is the internationally-approved term, though if as you say your client's own preference is for 'turnover', then so be it!
Peer comment(s):

agree C. Tougas
53 mins
Thanks, CTougas!
agree Mark Bossanyi
1 hr
Thanks, Mark!
neutral rkillings : Nothing wrong with 'turnover' for BrE (except that it's not a defined term in the IFRS), but 'hors taxe' means exclusive of VAT, whereas 'before tax' is usually understood to mean avant impôt (sur les sociétés).
11 hrs
Thanks, R! Oh well, I've had my knuckles rapped so many times over that one.. but thanks for that heads-up about the tax, what a silly mistake I made! Will make sure any glossary entry gets corrected! You really ought to post a correct answer!
agree Julie Barber : I think that this is a strong possibility rather than VAT, Wiki gives a good example of this usage:'affaires (even if it does mention VAT as well...)
1 day 2 hrs
Thanks, Julie!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks!"
54 mins

Total Turnover Before Tax [Consolidated]

hope it helps. This is how it normally appears in balance sheets
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