May 29, 2011 20:48
13 yrs ago
9 viewers *
French term


French to English Law/Patents Construction / Civil Engineering Building contract
This is in a contract for building a hotel (France).

Have searched and searched for this acronym but Conseil de la discipline de la gestion financière is all that came up - seems very improbable as it is a body (no longer with the same name) dealing with financial market regulation.

Have also considered Conditions de (la) gestion financière, but that term doesn't google at all.

Any suggestions? The document is 53 pages but this is the only time the term appears!

Calcul des quantités
Les quantités établies par l'Entrepreneur dans le CDGF, sont, à défaut d'indications précises sur le mode
de métré des différents postes d'ouvrages, calculées suivant les dimensions réelles, soit à l'unité, soit au
mètre linéaire, soit au mètre superficiel, soit au mètre cube, soit au kilogramme sans aucune majoration
quelconque pour déchets, coupes, foisonnements, difficultés de mise en oeuvre.


Tony M May 29, 2011:
OK Well, it looks as though JdM might be on the right track, anyway, particularly with the issue of that singular 'le'

Bon courage !
AllegroTrans (asker) May 29, 2011:
Typo not ruled out completely but the rest of the document seems very well drafted, i.e. I haven't found any other errors (to the best of my knowledge and belief, says I)
Tony M May 29, 2011:
Only once... ... could mean a typo! I spent hours on a wild goose chase with one of these, only to have the customer gleefully tell me it was "just a tiny slip"!

I wonder, could it perhaps be CG DF, where the CG = Conditions Générales (very common in this sort of specifications, with CCTP, etc. etc.) — and cf CGDV = conditions générales de vente

I could hazard a guess that the 'F' might be 'fournitures' (since they seem to be talking about supplying something measurable, rather than any kind of 'prestation de services', for example.

I did just toy with the idea of Conditions Générales De Fourniture, but have to admit that's a pure leap in the dark.

Well, FWIW, "Conditions Générales de Fourniture" does get around 10k Ghits, at least some of which appear to be somewhat relevant; none, though, using the acronym.
I don't suppose, by any chance, you have acess to the rest of the tender package, which just might include this actual document (sounds like some kind of 'bordereau de prix')

Proposed translations

26 mins

cahier de généralités fournisseurs

This sounds as though it might be something to do with a cahier de charges (it is "le" CDGF, so it could not be "condition(s)"). The following ref lists généralités fournisseurs as a section of this cahier de charges, so it may be a possible solution here. If not, at least something to go on....
Note from asker:
Sounds fairly probable - thanks!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! I went with this but have not put it in the glossary"
11 hrs

Cahier des charges fonctionnel

Le sigle le plus courant est CDCF (voir Wikipedia) mais le CDGF (anciennement cahier des clauses générales et fonctionelles) reste répandu:
"Elle aboutit normalement à la rédaction du cahier des charges fonctionnel (CDGF) qui constitue l’expression cadre des besoins."
Lot 13 - Cahier des Charges fonctionnelles du SSI + annexe. - Lot 13 – Plan de zone SSI. 05 - CCTP ET CDGF POUR TOUT LES LOTS

Vous en trouverez d'autres en cherchant ces deux termes, ça me paraît plus probable en tous cas de le Conseil de Discipline de Gestion Financière
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