Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

trade name, retailer, chain, store, company, brand name, corporate name

Added to glossary by Karen Tucker (X)
Aug 16, 2004 12:59
20 yrs ago
44 viewers *
French term


French to English Social Sciences Economics
En effet, certains groupes comme Carrefour détiennent jusqu’à 17 enseignes différentes (Champion, Dia, Ed, 8 à Huit, Shopi…) à travers une trentaine de pays, ce qui leur assure la majorité des parts de marché et écarte la concurrence au niveau national comme au niveau international. De ce fait, les PME ne peuvent se développer sans l’intervention des grands groupes.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +4 corporate name, retailer, trade name
5 +4 big name retailers
4 +1 banner
5 brand names [retail shops]
4 banner
4 chain

Proposed translations

3 mins

corporate name, retailer, trade name

Other possibilities: chain, brand name, company, store(s)
Peer comment(s):

agree Koen Roelens
4 mins
agree Graham macLachlan : trade name
37 mins
neutral Allan Jeffs : No, for "corporate name" - that's Carrefour!
40 mins
agree Cristina Pereira : "chains", given the context, seems the most appropriate to me
1 hr
agree Bernadett Trabert : yes, I would go for trade names, too
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci à Karen et à tous les autres. J'ai retenu trade name."
18 mins


Casino (concurrent de Carrefour) fait la distinction entre ses MARQUES = BRANDS (e.g) et ses ENSEIGNES=BANNERS - Même chose chez PPR.
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19 mins


is what Carrefour itself uses on its own website.
You could also say: Carrefour trades under 17 different (brand) names or Carrefour is a network of 17 different brands

Note added at 2004-08-16 16:08:25 (GMT)

The reason I referred to band names is that these names used to be separate brands but have gradually been bought out by Carrefour and are now part of its group. However C still trades under these names!

Note added at 2004-08-16 16:08:30 (GMT)

The reason I referred to brand names is that these names used to be separate brands but have gradually been bought out by Carrefour and are now part of its group. However C still trades under these names!

Note added at 2004-08-16 16:08:31 (GMT)

The reason I referred to brand names is that these names used to be separate brands but have gradually been bought out by Carrefour and are now part of its group. However C still trades under these names!
Peer comment(s):

agree truptee : absolutely!!
32 mins
agree Marina Kutsnashvili (X)
39 mins
disagree Allan Jeffs : They are not brands! "First Line" is one of Carrefour's own-name brands. These are the names given to chains of shops.
41 mins
well tell that to Carrefour - look at its own site
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Comment: "Certainement juste sur le plan technique, mais comme les destinataires sont des non-spécialistes, je donne jusqu'à présent la préférence à trade name, qui me paraît assez explicite. Merci malgré tout."
30 mins

big name retailers

"enseigne" is often translated by "big name brands" but as these are all stores / chains you can say "big name retailers" OR "big name stores" OR "major retailers" OR "major stores"

The Observer | Business | Big-name retailers race to hit the c ... - [ Traduire cette page ]
... Big-name retailers race to hit the c-spot With out-of-town expansion out of bounds,
supermarkets are targeting the corner shop, writes Sarah Ryle Sunday March 7 ... business/story/0,6903,1163611,00.html

Easy, Safe Online Shopping, Big Name Retailers, discount prices! - [ Traduire cette page ]
With 1000's of products and over 500 online stores in theusa
and worldwide offering secure payment. CATEGORIES, ...

Target store opening is great news - [ Traduire cette page ]
... Boulevard. Other big name retailers such as Pier One, Sleep America,
Ross and KFC will be opening in the coming months and weeks. ...

News & Markets - [ Traduire cette page ]
Dilemma for big-name stores. Anthony Hilton, Evening Standard. 14 April 2004. T cannot be coincidence that WH Smith, Boots and Marks ...

Santiago | Shopping |Department Stores & Shopping Centers ... - [ Traduire cette page ]
... It boasts foreign currency exchange facilities, a 10-screen cinema, and numerous big-name stores including Extreme, Umbrale, Americanino, Rusty, Maui Naútica ...,50036/102/

Paris | Shopping |Department Stores & Shopping Centers |Department ... - [ Traduire cette page ]
... Hemmed in by big name stores such as Gap, Zara, and H&M, the Opéra district branch of Galeries Lafayette, along with nearby Printemps, remains one of the last ...,5683/8/
Peer comment(s):

agree df49f (X)
9 mins
agree truptee : brand names??
21 mins
agree Aisha Maniar
2 hrs
Thanks Aisha
neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : they are in facvt the names of stores bought out by Carrefour whose names are still in use, to be precise
2 hrs
agree sarahl (X) : champion, Midas !
11 hrs
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Comment: "With all due respect, I would hesitate to write that Carrefour holds 17 big name retailers. So far, trade name seems to be the most explicit. Thank you anyway."
2 hrs


That's what I use, as in "a chain of stores".
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8 hrs

brand names [retail shops]

enseigne in French marketing is BRANDS..there is no other translation...

Note added at 8 hrs 48 mins (2004-08-16 21:47:50 GMT)

Here is proof, though I happen to know this for a fact...

... The supermarkets, the Champion, GS, Norte, Gb and Marinopoulos ... the products are sold under the ****Dia brand name ... include the Shopi, Marché Plus, 8 à Huit and Di ***... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
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actually, they are mini this case...


Note added at 8 hrs 56 mins (2004-08-16 21:55:29 GMT)

FINAL: brand name...or names

brand name mini marts

Note added at 8 hrs 56 mins (2004-08-16 21:56:05 GMT)

whoops Champion is a supermarket...anyway, it\'s brand name tout court

Note added at 8 hrs 58 mins (2004-08-16 21:57:46 GMT)

IN MY reference, Carrefour calls DIA a BRAND NAMES....

an enseigne can also be a sign but not in this context

Note added at 9 hrs 2 mins (2004-08-16 22:02:28 GMT)

Carrefour is active in all types of retail distribution, primarily food retailing:

The Carrefour hypermarkets offer a wide range of food and non-food products at very attractive prices; their shelves stock an average of 70,000 items. Floor areas of hypermarkets range from 5,000 sq.m to over 20,000 sq.m, and their catchment areas are very large.

The supermarkets, the Champion, GS, Norte, Gb and Marinopoulos supermarkets offer a wide selection of mostly food products, at very competitive prices, in outlets featuring floor areas of 1,000 to 2,000 sq.m.

Hard discounters such as Dia, Ed and Minipreço stock 800 food products, at unbeatable prices, in small stores (from 200 to 800 sq.m). ****Half of the products are sold under the Dia brand name.****

****Convenience stores include the Shopi, Marché Plus, 8 à Huit and Di per Di chains of stores. **** sous l\'enseigne...

Cash-and-carry and food service outlets are designed to meet the needs of restaurant and food industry professionals.
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