Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

microorganismes décomposeurs

English translation:

decomposing microorganisms

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Dec 19, 2006 21:49
18 yrs ago
French term

microorganismes décomposeurs

French to English Tech/Engineering Environment & Ecology reservoirs; eutrophication
I am trying to decide on a translation for this term. I have come across 'scavenging micro-organisms' (which I think is a reat image, but I wonder if they are necessarily scavengers) and 'decomposer microbes'.... any other suggestions? See below (the passage is quite self-explanatory)

La dégradation de la matière organique en zone profonde par les microorganismes décomposeurs consomme l’oxygène de l’eau et cette couche devient alors anoxique. Sous ces conditions, des éléments nutritifs (ammonium et orthophosphate) sont relargués par le sédiment.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +6 What's left in Mozart's grave?
4 composting microorganisms
3 decomposers

Proposed translations

24 mins

What's left in Mozart's grave?

The microbes that inhabit a compost pile are so small that a clod of soil the size of a pea may contain millions of them. They break down the complex compounds of the waste material into simpler organic compounds. Bacteria are the most important group of DECOMPOSING MICROORGANISMS in composting, and they are generally identified by the temperature range in which they are most active At temperatures below 59°F (15°C) activity of the primary DECOMPOSING BACTERIA is very limited.


Composting speeds the process by providing an ideal environment for bacteria and other DECOMPOSING MICROORGANISMS. The final product, humus or compost, ...

Note added at 27 mins (2006-12-19 22:16:53 GMT)

I mean, from "décomposeur" to "composteur" to "compositeur" is but a hemidemisemiquaver in the symphony of life.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mark Nathan : if these microorganisms have not decomposed all of his DNA, then one day, maybe...
26 mins
agree kironne : I must say, Bourth, it's becoming hard not to like you.
1 hr
Whyever would anyone want NOT to like me?
agree Silvia Brandon-Pérez : Bourth, je vous aime... all kidding aside, what a wonderful reply! Joyeux Noel and all that bah humbug.
2 hrs
agree Raymonde Gagnier : I love this answer!
3 hrs
Which of you three wants to chair my fan club?
agree blavatsky : Thou art the Light, Let the Light not from there... but it would be entertaining !
11 hrs
Shine? Where from? Not from where all those nasty little microorganisms are, surely?
agree Miranda Joubioux (X) : :-)
13 hrs
Wot? Not even a request for an autograph?
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "If anyone would like to buy a Bourth mug, duvet and pillowcase set or my new mini inflatable bedside Bourth, please contact me through Proz!!! "
4 mins


Might this be what you're looking for?
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12 hrs

composting microorganisms

sounds greener to me
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