Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:

Price Floor

Added to glossary by Daniel Weston
Feb 13, 2010 09:02
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
I have a feeling this is an anglicism but I have to ask the question because I can't find it anywhere else. Here is the entire sentence:

Multiple de la hausse moyenne **floorée** de l’action XXXXX

The document is discussing values of shares - is this some kind of "floor"?
Proposed translations (English)
3 +3 Price Floor
2 floor
moyenne florée
Change log

Feb 13, 2010 09:23: Stéphanie Soudais (X) changed "Field (specific)" from "Business/Commerce (general)" to "Finance (general)"

Proposed translations

8 mins

Price Floor

Definitely from English.

One definition:
Price Floor: the lowest price at which a seller is prepared to do business....

DJ Gold Fields Sees Long-term Price Floor At $700-$800/Oz - I-Net News/2552599/
Peer comment(s):

agree Chris Hall
6 hrs
Cheers Chris!
agree Verginia Ophof : yes..price ceiling and price floor !
7 hrs
agree rkillings : Avg. rise in the floor price of the stock. Who/what is flooring it is another question (but you wouldn't make it a verb in English!).
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
14 mins


I'm not sure this fits your context, but I think the first link below provides a good explanation. Thus "average floor increase"?
Example sentence:

if some authorities receive a floor increase - that is, a larger increase than the formula would indicate

A 3% average floor increase would have meant an extra £2m for Newcastle

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Reference comments

3 hrs

moyenne florée

Comment se calcule la moyenne floorée ?
Il s’agit du cours du dernier jour de bourse de tous les mois. Ce cours de clôture est comparé au prix de référence c’est-à-dire le prix au jour de l’augmentation de capital. Ce prix sera donc toujours le même jusqu’à la date de clôture du 29 juin 2012.
Il y aura donc 55 relevés dont la moyenne sera calculée.
La hausse moyenne florée est égale à la différence entre la moyenne des 55 relevés et le prix de référence et on la multiplie par 10. Cette méthode a l’avantage de figer mensuellement les hausses de l’action de l'adsaca/adsaca info/ADSAC...
Note from asker:
Merci pour cette éxplication, Stéphanie. Cela m'a aidé beaucoup.
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