Dec 6, 2006 21:06
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

etre l'*objet de sollicitations'..

French to English Other Government / Politics politics
see below
Proposed translations (English)
2 target for favours
4 object of request
4 be requested
2 being solicited


Johannes Gleim Dec 6, 2006:
Il manque de contexte.
CMJ_Trans (X) Dec 6, 2006:
where below?????

Proposed translations

46 mins

target for favours

One of many possibilities.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you, I have used your version, as it seems to fit the best . Nicole"
21 mins

being solicited

by whom by what is the question here. you should really provide more context, pease
Something went wrong...
14 hrs

object of request

there is no context, so...
Something went wrong...
21 hrs

be requested

"être/faire l'objet de ~~" is often just a formal way of wording what in English is a simple passive VP

But some context would *really* help us all to help more ...
Example sentence:

"votre requête fera l'objet de toute notre attention"

"ceci devra faire l'objet d'une réflexion"

Something went wrong...
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