Dec 8, 2009 22:57
15 yrs ago
French term


French to English Bus/Financial Insurance
Context: An insurance company is contesting coverage and refusing to settle various claims

Le risque assuré était déjà réalisé au moment de la conclusion des polices
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Proposed translations

48 mins


Note added at 1 hr (2009-12-09 00:53:55 GMT)

Just to clarify, I'm suggesting:
"the event insured against had already occurred"
("the risk insured against had already been realized" is a possible alternative)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Chris Hall : Am not entirely sure whether this makes sense within the context of this sentence. / The "risk insured" means "coverage" here.
5 mins
Thanks for your comment, Chris. See my added note for clarification as to what I had in mind // not sure how "risque assuré" could be coverage here; what would their grounds be for refusing the claim?
agree MatthewLaSon : You have the right meaning, imho, John. Have a great evening!
3 hrs
thanks Matthew, you too
agree mimi 254
8 hrs
Thanks Mimi
agree Chris Hughes
9 hrs
Thanks Chris
agree Rob Grayson : agree with "occurred", not "realised"
9 hrs
Thanks Rob
agree writeaway : agree with Rob-occurred but not 'realised'
10 hrs
Thanks W
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
52 mins

issued (in this context)

Le risque assuré était déjà réalisé au moment de la conclusion des polices
= The coverage was already issued at the time of concluding the policies.

According to GDT:
souscrire v.
issue, to
Définition :
En parlant d'un contrat, d'une police, synonyme de réaliser, conclure.
Sous-entrée(s) :
réaliser v.

Peer comment(s):

neutral John Detre : I think what they're getting at is that the house was already on fire when the guy took out the insurance policy
2 hrs
disagree mimi 254 : sorry Chris, not in this context,- agree with John
8 hrs
disagree Rob Grayson : Agree with John
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

There had already been an occurrence of the insured event when...


était déjà réalisé = had already occurred ; the "state" of having taken place (note: it's not "avait déjà été réalisée", which is very similar, but subtlely different)

I like the past perfect tense here in English.

You could nominalize this in English, but you could verbalize it as John did in his answer.

en prévision du risque assuré le preneur d'assurance s'engage à payer régulièrement des primes (somme
d'argent d'un montant déterminé);
• en échange, lorsque le dommage apparaît (réalisation du risque assuré), l'assureur s'engage à financer
diverses prestations

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-12-09 03:47:36 GMT)


Note added at 4 hrs (2009-12-09 03:47:54 GMT)

risque assuré = insured event
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

had materialised

There are many examples in Google of an insured risk materialising.
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : There are 10 G-hits for "insured risk has materialised"
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
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