Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

débloquer la garantie

English translation:

release the guarantee

Added to glossary by Catherine Gilsenan
Aug 7, 2010 22:49
14 yrs ago
French term

débloquer la garantie

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) Court Case re Insurance, Damages, etc
J’ai obtenu l’accord de l’Avocat de la société XXX pour le paiement de la somme de … Euros, qui permettrait de débloquer la garantie à laquelle ont été les Cies YYY.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +6 release the guarantee
Change log

Feb 14, 2011 14:55: Catherine Gilsenan Created KOG entry

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Non-PRO (1): writeaway

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Catherine Gilsenan (asker) Aug 7, 2010:
missing word Sorry it's late.

"ont ete condamnees .."

(Sorry for lack of accents)
Chris Hall Aug 7, 2010:
Claire is correct, a word is indeed missing... it does not make sense otherwise.
Travelin Ann Aug 7, 2010:
To Clanola My first thought as well - a word seems to be missing.

US EN would say something similar to "return the security deposit."
Claire Nolan Aug 7, 2010:
Is there a past participle or adjective missing? ''à laquelle ont été ________ les cies...''

Proposed translations

18 mins

release the guarantee

Deed of Guarantee from Principal of ATOL holder
38k - Adobe PDF - View as html
right not to release a Guarantee before the expiry of the three months period, ... often be prepared to release a guarantee at short notice if an acceptable ...
The P&A Partnership : Turnaround and Recovery Services ...
The P&A Partnership - Corporate Insolvency and Recovery Services, Sheffield, UK ... to meet a Bank security shortfall post Brumark, or to release a guarantee. ... - Cached
P&I Clubs-American Club Mutual P&I Association
The American Club is a Mutual Protection and Indemnity Club domiciled in the United States. ... in lieu of payment of such premium to release a guarantee given ... - Cached
xoserve Services
522k - Adobe PDF - View as html
Service Description The maintenance of a Supply Point Register for a Network Operator ... release a Guarantee or Security or. Subject to satisfaction of the ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Chris Hall
38 mins
agree Joshua Wolfe : For UK Englsh -- all the e.g. are non-US (even the American Club Mutual P&I Association, which is the only US such entity). Clanola (discussion) is right for US
1 hr
agree Kevin SC : yes, that is what it means
16 hrs
agree Jack Dunwell
18 hrs
agree ACOZ (X)
23 hrs
agree GeoS
3 days 6 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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