Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

joies usuelles de la vie courante

English translation:

ordinary pleasures of everyday life

Added to glossary by Theodore Bagwel
Mar 31, 2011 16:16
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term

joies usuelles de la vie courante

French to English Medical Medical (general) car accident victim
"Le déficit fonctionnel temporaire va traduire l’incapacité fonctionnelle totale ou partielle que va subir la victime jusqu’à sa consolidation.
Elle correspond aux périodes d’hospitalisation, mais aussi à la “perte de qualité de vie et à celle des joies usuelles de la vie courante” qu’a rencontré Mademoiselle [name] pendant sa convalescence traumatique, y compris sa séparation avec son environnement familial et amical durant les hospitalisations, sa privation temporaire des activités privées ou des agréments auxquels se livrait habituellement ou spécifiquement la victime pendant la maladie traumatique, etc…"


Proposed translations

1 hr

ordinary pleasures of everyday life

seems to be used in legal texts in the US
Peer comment(s):

agree DouglasCarnall : yes, the phrase demands a legal flavour in English, and the other suggestions have not captured the nuance implied by the use of "courante" so well.
1 hr
thanks Douglas :-)
agree liz askew
14 hrs
thanks Liz :-)
agree Karen Vincent-Jones (X)
19 hrs
thanks Karen :-)
agree cc in nyc : it has a nice ring to it
1 day 1 hr
thank you dear ;-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I could also have chosen cc's. Thanks"
5 mins

everyday life pleasures

Everyday's life pleasures [16]. Contents of the Donald Nicholson-Smith translation (Rebel Press, 2003):Part One: Power's PerspectiveThe Impossibility of ... life - En cache
Note from asker:
thank you
Peer comment(s):

agree Lionel_M (X)
40 mins
Thank you Lionel.
neutral liz askew : awkward in English.
1 hr
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15 mins

daily life's simple pleasures

Note from asker:
thank you
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16 mins

the usual pleasures of life

I think this is a common phrase in English, though thers might be equally good.

Note added at 17 mins (2011-03-31 16:34:42 GMT)

typo: "...though others might be equally good."
Peer comment(s):

agree sktrans
37 mins
Thank you!
agree liz askew : Yes, the construction in English is just right.
53 mins
Thank you!
agree sporran
1 hr
Thank you!
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