Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by sktrans
Jul 29, 2011 14:41
13 yrs ago
16 viewers *
French term


French to English Medical Medical (general) surgery/ophtalmo
patient opéré récemment pour glaucome
"reprise" il ya q.q. jours avec nouvelles sutures
ce matin debut dlr brutale frontoparietale D

understand concept, need proper medical term

Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 revision
Change log

Jul 31, 2011 15:27: sktrans Created KOG entry


SJLD Jul 29, 2011:
Impossible to be certain that this involves only re-suturing. In which case it is better to use the standard translation for "reprise" IMO.
Timothy Rake Jul 29, 2011:
revision of what? I understand that something has been "redone" – but wouldn't the "avec nouvelles sutures" lead one to believe that patient was not "re-operated" but more specifically just re-sutured or restitched? Would either of those terms be perhaps more appropriate?

Proposed translations

48 mins


IOW reoperated

Note added at 5 hrs (2011-07-29 20:19:39 GMT)

For info:

Finally, surgical revision is the most efficacious option. Resuturing the scleral flap [........] is our favored option.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse
24 mins
thanks Juanita :-)
neutral philgoddard : This may be right, but doesn't Timothy have a valid point in his discussion entry? //I've just never seen "revision" used in this way before, but I'm not a medical expert.
50 mins
and if you remove the old sutures and put in new ones, that's not a revision? / and have you seen "reprise" used in French medical texts?
agree liz askew : I remember this one from earlier. reprise chirurgicale > revision surgery/surgical revision › ... › French to English › Medical (general) - Cached 17 Apr 2007 – (KudoZ) French to English translation of reprise chirurgicale: revision surgery/s
23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci beaucoup!"
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