Oct 13, 2011 09:18
13 yrs ago
15 viewers *
French term


French to English Medical Medical (general)
An abbreviation on a list of lab results.
It seems to come under a sub-section to do with platelets.

The result given in 228 g/l, and no normal range is given.


nweatherdon Oct 13, 2011:
Ah, I should correct myself then. HER answer seems consistent with what the number refer to :)
SJLD Oct 13, 2011:
S for Sue. As I've said before, someone as smart as me has to be a woman lol
nweatherdon Oct 13, 2011:
http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/platelet cou... confirms that platelet count is usually 150-450k/microlitre, so that run up to 150-450 billion per litre ... so SJLD seems to be right on the ball with respect to what the number refers to. As for the meaning of the term DPM, I wouldn't say that I'm too sure, but his answer seems to be consistent with what the numbers refer to...
SJLD Oct 13, 2011:
The only possibility I can see here is the actual platelet count 228 GIGA/L (not grams/L)
dénombrement de plaquettes manuel?
Peter Bajorek (asker) Oct 13, 2011:
VPM = 8.6 fl (normal 7.0 - 9.0)
SJLD Oct 13, 2011:
OK, that's usually IDP.
What's the VPM result?
Peter Bajorek (asker) Oct 13, 2011:
The lab results don't give any indication of a hospital or country, but based on the client I got this from and the usual work I get from them, I was just assuming that it is from France.
At the moment I have CVPlaq as PDW (based on the fact that CVGR from earlier in the document = RDW)
SJLD Oct 13, 2011:
CVPlaq DPM These are not standard autoanalyser abbreviations. Which country is it? How are you translating CVPlaq?

Proposed translations

6 mins

densité parasitaire moyenne (DPM) mean parasite density

Could be several things but probably mean parasite density

de D Mbanya - Autres articles
La thrombopénie est une diminution du nombre de plaquettes dans le sang circulant. ... Cette étude, entreprise chez des adultes camerounais adressés au service ... La densité parasitaire moyenne (DPM) sur chaque lame a été déterminée ...

www.dovepress.com/thrombocytopenia-in-plasm... - Traduire cette page
de O Erhabor - Autres articles
Results: The mean platelet counts (×109/L) were significantly lower in pregnant ... Malaria parasite was found to exert a significant reduction in platelet density in ...
Peer comment(s):

disagree SJLD : probably not if it's in a FBC under platelets
1 hr
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


DPM - Désintégration par minute

dpm, disintegrations per minute
Peer comment(s):

disagree SJLD : platelets are not radioactive usually
7 mins
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2 hrs

dénombrement de plaquettes manuel

can't see what else it could be for a result of 228 giga/L >> 228 x 10*9/L

Note added at 5 hrs (2011-10-13 14:36:44 GMT)

manual platelet count for the purists ;-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Helen Genevier : makes sense
3 days 3 hrs
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