Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

faisant li de mes propos....

English translation:

to turn a deaf ear

Added to glossary by Manon P
Sep 17, 2002 16:06
22 yrs ago
French term

faisant li de mes propos....

French to English Other
"li" not sure, but it looks like li (text unclear)

Discussion Sep 17, 2002:
Heres Context Faisant li de mes propos,ils ont bouscul� ceux qui ce sont mis en travers de leur chemin
Mary Worby Sep 17, 2002:
Do you have a little more context? The rest of the sentence, perhaps, and the type of document would help us to help you

Proposed translations

1 hr

to turn a deaf ear

it means :

To turn up one's nose in scorn at sth or someone
to ignore - not to respect something
in "view" of context deaf ear would go

Note added at 2002-09-17 17:28:23 (GMT)

ignoring what i was saying

Note added at 2002-09-17 17:29:43 (GMT)

faire fi - ignorer
Peer comment(s):

agree JCEC
5 hrs
merci bien
agree & Associates (X)
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thx"
22 mins


I have a hunch it\'s \"fi\" rather than \"li.\" The expression \"faire fi de quelque chose\" means to despise or scorn something (Harraps).
Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : could only be this
5 mins
agree Arthur Borges : Definitely "fi" not "li" which in frogspeak is a Chinese measure of distance.
7 mins
agree ashiq mangel : sans doute: fi
13 mins
agree Thierry LOTTE
43 mins
agree Jean-Luc Dumont
50 mins
agree Marney Ogle
1 hr
agree & Associates (X)
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
43 mins

flouting what I say (or said)

Faire fi means to flout in English.

Robert & Collins Dictionary
Something went wrong...
52 mins

not giving a fig for what I said

Référence Harrap's Shorter :
je fais fi de toutes vos remarques I don’t give a fig for what you have to say
Peer comment(s):

agree markmx
57 mins
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