Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by kelime
Oct 6, 2007 11:05
17 yrs ago
44 viewers *
French term


Non-PRO French to English Tech/Engineering Real Estate
la partie privative du lot
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 lot
4 +1 property
4 premises
4 package
3 unit
Change log

Oct 6, 2007 11:07: writeaway changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Oct 7, 2007 11:53: kelime Created KOG entry


kelime Oct 7, 2007:
thank you telefpro. Here's one more definition of Lot (in English) from Merriam Webster :
4 a : a portion of land b : a measured parcel of land having fixed boundaries and designated on a plot or survey .
Kind regards from Marseilles and a good Sunday !
kelime Oct 7, 2007:
sorry I tried to copy here GDT definition but it did not work out. Please look up lot in GDT (urbanisme, 2nd definition).
kelime Oct 7, 2007:
Please see hereunder GDT d

Domaine(s) : - droit
- urbanisme


lot n. m. : LOT in ENGLISH

Définition :
Partie d'un titre transférée à un nouveau propriétaire.

telefpro (asker) Oct 7, 2007:

Lot(s) : Demandé - Non communiqué à ce jour

Références Cadastrales : Demandé - Non communiqué à ce jour
telefpro (asker) Oct 6, 2007:
It looks like it is property. But can we use the word lot in English? Any references. I have used lot, but did not feel very comfortable.
Tony M Oct 6, 2007:
The translation will depend on the context, i.e. what exactly this particular 'lot' is referring to, which should be clear from the rest of your document, but certainly isn't from your question.

Proposed translations

1 hr


you may as well use lot which can have the same meaning in English regarding housing. See GDT

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-06 13:02:25 GMT)

Lot is used to differentiate different parts of a property : lot 1, lot 2..., lot 7 etc... It is used in building and on maps by architects, contractors, etc... On google you'll find lots of lot (funny !) associated to construction.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jean-Claude Gouin
34 mins
thanks 1045 !
agree sktrans
1 hr
thanks sktrans !
neutral Sheila Wilson : I agree in general terms, but not if this is, for example, an appartment block
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks so much. Now it is very clear."
1 hr


as said before, this depends on context. if it is a subdivision and part is private and the other(perhaps commercial) "property" is a fairly general term...otherwise send more context.

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-06 13:05:16 GMT)

yhes- lot is refers to the pieces AFTER subdivision of the main parcel of land. katy
Peer comment(s):

agree Sheila Wilson : This is probably the safest bet depending, as you say, on context
2 hrs
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3 hrs


An alternative to property, this is a very general word which is often used for mixed communal/private property. See this definition:

Land and the buildings on it, or a building or part of a building. In the guide this term is often used as a broad term covering the various types of rental premises, from farms and houses to single condominium and apartment units.
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4 hrs


I completed a translation recently in which I translated 'lot' for 'unit' and it worked in that context. So, basically, as the others say, this all depends on context so here is another option that you can consider.
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14 hrs


Hard to tell without more context, but it sounds like "lot" could be referring to a group of properties treated as a unit. If that is the case, "package" would convey this.
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