Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

grilles techniques, grilles de position et d’information

English translation:

technical format or template; position and information

Added to glossary by Parrot
May 6, 2001 14:06
23 yrs ago
French term

grilles techniques, grilles de position et d’information

French to English Tech/Engineering
Le paragraphe 3 détaille ces spécifications générales en donnant les grilles techniques auxquelles le soumissionnaire devra répondre ; ces grilles reprennent les mêmes catégories fonctionnelles. Enfin les annexes fournissent les grilles de position et d’information à utiliser pour certaines réponses.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

technical format or template; position and information

Other IT synonyms of "grille": mask, form, stencil, mesh.
Peer comment(s):

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
37 mins

Grid Techniques , Position and information Grids

As much as I understand These are a kind of "positioning" grids , a kind of coordinate system vertical and horizontal lines intersects and you may determine a point in a intersection box of them. Grid is used as Network, and city electiricity network contex as well. But this seems to me as first I noted above .
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40 mins


grille (here) = grid

found in the Granddictionnaire
I wasn't able to find any reference about grille technique, de position et
d'information though !
position grid ?
information grid ?
Good luck !


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2 hrs

Grid Method, positional and information grid

In finite element method (FEM)=, the standard terminology is Gird Method rather than technique.
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2 hrs

Grid Method, positional and information grid

In finite element method (FEM), the standard terminology is Gird Method rather than technique.
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