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Feb 12, 2013 16:17
12 yrs ago
6 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Accounting Salary slip
This appears in a group of acronyms on a German salary slip. The full list of acronyms is XT, CFS, NG, BEA, EM, HC. Underneath is written Tarifgr./Stufe MGR. Thanks!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 net salary


pj-ffm Feb 13, 2013:
More context..? I don't suppose you know what software produced the slip, do you? Or the company that issued the slip?
Alternatively, what are the numbers (or whatever else) that follow these abbreviations? The size of these would at least give a clue.
Even the formatting might help...
How have you translated the other abbreviations?
philgoddard Feb 13, 2013:
CFS and HC also don't look like German abbreviations. But what does it say after each one?
Stuart Whittingham (X) Feb 12, 2013:
Company-specific terms? Could these abbreviations simply be names of departments / cost centres etc? used by the company concerned?
Coqueiro Feb 12, 2013:
XT doesn't seem to be the abbrevation of a german term.
Johanna Timm, PhD Feb 12, 2013:
"salary slip" Can you give us the German source term, please? Gehaltsabrechnung, Lohn- und Verdienstbescheinigung, Lohnzettel,...?
Marc Rothman (asker) Feb 12, 2013:

Proposed translations

19 mins

net salary

net salary


Note added at 21 mins (2013-02-12 16:39:31 GMT)

(and BTW, they're abbreviations, not acronyms)
Peer comment(s):

neutral ViBe : may well be, but I've seen: "gesetzliches Netto" (GN) instead...
3 mins
neutral Kim Metzger : Neuregelungsgesetz?
9 mins
In Gottes Namen. Im Namen Gottes. ? NG
agree Lancashireman : or Nacht Gute (= Night Good) in a dialect of German where the adjective follows the noun.
7 hrs
or nichts gewusst
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