Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
expected performance
Added to glossary by
Stephen Sadie
May 16, 2005 18:11
19 yrs ago
13 viewers *
German term
German to English
Advertising / Public Relations
A slide in a power point presentation:
Medienpyramide: Medien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kommunikation von Leistungsanspruch (Image) und Leistungsbeweis (Vertrieb)..
The gist seems to be the Leistungsanspruch is what the ad campaign claims the product can do, and Leistungsbeweis is the product's proven capabilities.
Anyone know adspeak for these concepts?
Medienpyramide: Medien im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kommunikation von Leistungsanspruch (Image) und Leistungsbeweis (Vertrieb)..
The gist seems to be the Leistungsanspruch is what the ad campaign claims the product can do, and Leistungsbeweis is the product's proven capabilities.
Anyone know adspeak for these concepts?
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
5 mins
expected performance
normal everyday term
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 min
product expectations
Note added at 2 mins (2005-05-16 18:14:10 GMT)
versus \"actual product performance\"?
Note added at 2 mins (2005-05-16 18:14:10 GMT)
versus \"actual product performance\"?
13 mins
claimed performance
also known as `traders puff´.
25 mins
performance requirement
I've heard this in this sort of context
13 mins
a product's expected/anticipated performance ...
media ... a product's expected/anticipated performance (image) and its actual performance (distribution)
Note added at 30 mins (2005-05-16 18:42:03 GMT)
*projected performance* would be another option
Note added at 30 mins (2005-05-16 18:42:03 GMT)
*projected performance* would be another option
15 hrs
product's capability.... is what the product is capable of performance
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