Jan 29, 2010 14:51
15 yrs ago
German term


German to English Science Agriculture
I am translating a text from 1805 which talks about Rindersucht, Stiersucht, Lösserdürre and other bovine diseases
I have managed to find out that Stiersucht is now called nyphomania boum or satyriasis but need to try to keep within the style of the text. Is there a more colloquial term for it?


Wendy Lewin (asker) Jan 29, 2010:
Yes, that is exactly what I am looking for
Kim Metzger Jan 29, 2010:
Style of the text Do you mean that you're looking for a term that might have been used in English at that time?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

chronic bulling


see link (from 1923):
Peer comment(s):

agree Cetacea : See also http://tinyurl.com/ya8a6dy
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I think this fits the bill best Thanks"
26 mins

constant/continous (o)estrus/heat

NyMphomania (there is a typo!) is constant heat/estrus in cows.

Eight cows were selected; four having normal behavioral patterns, one having **constant estrus (nymphomania)**, one having no estrus, and two which were ovarieetomized.

A cow with an ovarian cyst might exhibit **“constant” estrus (nymphomania)**, no estrus (anestrus) or an erratic combination of estrus and anestrus. Ratios of estrus to anestrus vary among studies from 74%:26% to 17%:83%.

CHORULON is indicated for the intramuscular use in cows for the treatment of **nymphomania (frequent or constant heat)** due to cystic ovaries.

Note added at 27 mins (2010-01-29 15:19:03 GMT)

See also Langenscheidt Fachwörterbuch Landwirtschaft:

Stiersucht = nymphomania, constsnt (continous) oestrus (of cow)
Note from asker:
Thanks, but as the text goes on to say it has nothing to do with the reproductive organs of the animal and is a chest problem (obviously well wide of the mark) I can not give it such a precise scientific name
Peer comment(s):

neutral British Diana : but what would a farmer have called this in 1805?
15 mins
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18 hrs

permanent rutting of cows

DE: Stiersucht, Dauerbrunst
EN: permanent rutting of cows
Definition DE: abnorm gesteigerter Geschlechtstrieb beim Rind
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