Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
in paritätischer Besetzung
English translation:
equally represented
Added to glossary by
Steffen Walter
Jan 30, 2003 12:50
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term
'in paritaetischer Besetzung'
German to English
Der Pruefungsauschuß is beschlußfaehig, wenn mindestens zwei seiner Mitglieder in paritaetischer Besetzung bei der Beschlußfassung anwesend sind.
Der Pruefungsauschuß is beschlußfaehig, wenn mindestens zwei seiner Mitglieder in paritaetischer Besetzung bei der Beschlußfassung anwesend sind.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
37 mins
equally represented
This is what Dietl/Lorenz has to offer on "pritätisch".
paritätisch besetzt consisting of equal numbers of representatives; with joint representation
paritätischer Ausschuß (od. paritätisch zusammengesetzter Ausschuß) joint committee; committee constituted on a basis of parity; committee with equal representation
paritätische ®Mitbestimmung
sich paritätisch aus Mitgliedern von ... und Mitgliedern von ... zusammensetzen to be composed of equal numbers of members of ... and of ...
Most usually this term is used in German business, when it concerns committees where both management and labour are have seats. The meaning would be that representatives of both management and labour would have to be present, in order to be able to come to a decision binding.
paritätisch besetzt consisting of equal numbers of representatives; with joint representation
paritätischer Ausschuß (od. paritätisch zusammengesetzter Ausschuß) joint committee; committee constituted on a basis of parity; committee with equal representation
paritätische ®Mitbestimmung
sich paritätisch aus Mitgliedern von ... und Mitgliedern von ... zusammensetzen to be composed of equal numbers of members of ... and of ...
Most usually this term is used in German business, when it concerns committees where both management and labour are have seats. The meaning would be that representatives of both management and labour would have to be present, in order to be able to come to a decision binding.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks very much"
3 mins
are represented equally
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Steffen Pollex (X)
: "are equally represented" is English. Allerdings heißt "anwesend" "present" und nicht "represented"="vertreten. Darauf sollte man den Kunden hinweisen. Aber im Englischen kann ich's auch nicht anders ausdrücken.
8 mins
12 mins
with at least two of its (?) members having equal voting strenght
with representation on the principle of parity
Muret-Sanders for both
with representation on the principle of parity
Muret-Sanders for both
43 mins
in equal representation
another way of putting it
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