German term
Example sentences:
"Man kann nicht verkaufen ohne vorher Zeit mit wichtigen Kaufbeeinflussern verbracht zu haben"
"Lässt den Kaufbeeinflusser verstehen, wer Sie sind und warum Sie ihn kontaktieren"
"Gibt dem Treffen eine hohe Priorität für den Kaufbeeinflusser"
4 +7 | (purchase) influencer |
Sarah Bessioud
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5 -1 | Key Decision Maker |
Alastair Naughton (X)
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4 -1 | Major Stakeholder |
Alastair Naughton (X)
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3 | markete(e)r |
Monique Dressel
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2 | successful/proven closers |
gangels (X)
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purchase influencer |
Colin Rowe
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influencer |
Rosa Paredes
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Proposed translations
(purchase) influencer
For example, secretaries may be the people to convince if selling photocopiers to a company, although the person who actually makes the purchase may be the purchasing director (who has little knowledge about the demands made on a photocopier). The influencer has a certain amount of influencing power to sway the purchase decision. In a similar way, children are often important influencers for toys, but it's the parents who invariably end up making the purchase.
Note added at 30 mins (2012-06-26 10:12:20 GMT)
This is quite a concise outline of the different roles of people involved in the buying decision - hope it helps!
A buying centre includes all members of the purchasing organisation who play any of six roles in the purchase process:
INITIATOR first identifies the need to buy a particular product or service to solve an organisational problem;
INFLUENCER (their) views influence the buying centre's buyers and deciders;
DECIDER ultimately approves all or any part of the entire buying decision -- whether to buy, what to buy, how to buy, and where to buy;
BUYER holds the formal authority to select the supplier and to arrange terms of condition;
USER consumes or uses the product or service;
GATEKEEPER controls information or access or both, to decision makers and influencers.
agree |
Colin Rowe
: Sounds good to me – see reference below.
24 mins
Thanks Colin
agree |
: not much else it could unless there is a hidden surprise somewhere
29 mins
Thanks writeaway. (This could be the case, but it's well hidden if it is)
agree |
: Agree and thanks for the update with the provenmodels and all the types of people involved.
1 hr
Thanks dkfm
agree |
Usch Pilz
2 hrs
Danke Usch
agree |
Ramey Rieger (X)
5 hrs
Thanks Ramey
agree |
Rosa Paredes
19 hrs
Thank you Rosa
agree |
22 hrs
Thank you Maja
Key Decision Maker
"Identifying key decision-makers early in the sales cycle improves the probability of success because more doors open when the seller is introduced to the key decision-maker."
In order to be able to convince the key decision makers, it is essential to be thoroughly prepared and at least appear confident.
disagree |
: Sorry to disagree. But the influencer and the key decision maker is NOT the same person. Especially not within the framework of marketing/selling strategies of the B2B market.
16 hrs
Sorry to disagree but no. A google search of "purchase influencer" comes up with things like social media, previous experience etc. If you don't like Key Decision Maker you could have "Major Stake Holder".
Major Stakeholder
A "Major Stakeholder" is however someone who does have a major input. S/he might not be the one person who says YES/NO, but will have a major influence on that decision.
Identify the Major Stakeholder (One step in a 10 step plan of decision making).
successful/proven closers
A person or company that conducts activities in order to acquire and retain customers or clients. This may include basic courtesies like returning phone calls and taking meetings. Very often, however, a marketer conducts large, expensive campaigns to encourage as many people as possible to buy a certain product. Marketing techniques in the latter instance include buying advertisements in the media, receiving endorsements from well-known experts and/or personalities, and generally aggressively pushing the product onto the target audience.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Reference comments
purchase influencer
"A senior engineer, very technically oriented, was most often the purchase influencer. However the purchase decision maker was most often the building owner, a very non-technical business oriented type."
agree |
: 100% agree.
33 mins
100% thanks.
agree |
Sarah Bessioud
1 hr
agree |
Usch Pilz
1 hr
disagree |
Alastair Naughton (X)
: Google "Purchase Influencer" and you'll get hundreds of his for things like social media, past experience, what friends say, even window shopping. This is not what is meant here.
2 days 1 hr
Keep googling and you'll find hundreds more hits for "purchase influencer" in the context described here.
A company has multiple constituencies when it offers the same product to different market segments. Why is this an important discipline in Marketing? Often times, your direct buyer is not the most important influencer. Children, doctors, relatives and social referential leaders often assume major positions in the purchasing decision.
Have a pleasant evening!
Just let me borrow some words from Ramey Rieger. In case of another question he has said that he has often been shot down in KuDoz!
So just let us avoid such situations. This week is again too short for struggling - at least in this case.
So pse accept If I don´t further comment. Just sending out a field of positive energy to all of you.
Best regards dkfmmuc
As a translator I will never know all words, terms and specialties. And therefore I appreciate people enlarging my knowledge or correcting false info. That´s the way we will create value for all. Sharing the knowledge and boosting the business.
Depending on the size of the group, they may or may not have input into the ultimate decision. (May be the one person who says YES/NO to a purchase, may be a committee that carries out the same function, or may even be as big a group as the end users, who still have some influence over purchasing decisions, albeit more limited).
I stand by what I said.
Auch im Reise-/Fluggesellschaften-Bereich wird dies deutlich: Zwar werden insbeosndere bei großen Accounts die Firmenkundenkonditionen zentral verhandelt. Dennoch gibt die Fluggesellschaft an jeden einzelnen Geshcäftskunden Kunden-/Status-/Meilensammelkarten aus, damit die einzelnen Geschäftsreisenden als Influencer beim eigenen Management auftreten und so die Abwanderung auf Billigfluggesellschaften verhindern.
Hoffe das hilft weiter.
Letztendlich darf man aber den eigentlichen Verwender oder denjenigen, der täglich mit dem neuen Gerät umgeht, nicht vergessen. Der Facharbeiter an der Maschine kann so durch sein Qualitätsurteil das Management durchaus in der Entscheidung beeinflussen.
Also relativ einfach: Beeinflusser -> influencer