Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

gewinkelte Isocyanate

English translation:

non-linear isocyanates

Added to glossary by Subbanna
Dec 3, 2009 12:17
15 yrs ago
German term

gewinkelte Isocyanate

German to English Science Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng Isocyanates
In a patent claim that mentions diisocyanates, they go on to say "insbesondere aromatische Isocyanate, bevorzugt gewinkelte Isocyanate".
I found "angular, angled; puckered" for "gewinkelt" in a chemistry dictionary, but no convincing Google hits with any of these terms in combination with isocyanates.
Can anyone help, please?
Change log

Dec 8, 2009 16:17: Subbanna changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/37321">mgrange's</a> old entry - "gewinkelte Isocyanate"" to ""non-linear isocyanates""


Subbanna Dec 4, 2009:
Reference may also be made to Kudoz open Glossary: Chemistry/Chem.scj/eng on Gewinkelte Bindung (Nonlinear bond)
Ingrid Hesse Dec 4, 2009:
Regarding Definition Von trans-ständigen Gruppen spricht man eigentlich, wenn die Gruppen sich an zwei C-Atomen befinden, die durch eine Doppelbindung verbunden sind (cis- oder trans-ständig).
Was eigentlich in der "Definition" gemeint sein dürfte, sind zwei NCO-Gruppen in para-Stellung am aromatischen Kern (also gegenüber im 6-Ring, 2 C-Atome dazwischen), im Gegensatz zur meta-Stellung (mit einem C-Atom dazwischen).
s. auch meinen Zusatz zu meiner Antwort.
SusanneM Dec 4, 2009:
mgrange (asker) Dec 4, 2009:
Definition I found this definition: "Unter Polyisocyanaten mit gewinkelter Struktur sind solche Isocyanate zu verstehen, bei denen die NCO-Gruppen keine im wesentlichen lineare Anordnung bilden können. Beispiele dafür sind cyclische oder aromatische Diisocyanate mit nicht trans-ständigen NCO-Gruppen. Weiterhin sind Polyisocyanate mit 3 oder mehr NCO-Gruppen als gewinkelte Isocyanate anzusehen, beispielsweise alle Triisocyanate." Would you agree that this confirms "non-linear"?
MMUlr Dec 4, 2009:
@Ingrid, danke - ok! ;-)
SusanneM Dec 3, 2009:
If there are more than two atoms ... ... in a molecule, there are usually many angles. Therefore "angled" and "bent" are probably too weak. "Crosslinked" only works with polymers. "Branched" normally refers to the hydrocarbon chain only. Unlikely in this context (also because of the reference to aromatic isocyanates). So far, "non-linear" seems to be the best bet (non-linear diisocyanates have two NCO groups at an angle).
Ingrid Hesse Dec 3, 2009:
@ MMUlr: Definitively not "branched" As you suggest, "branched" is "verzweigt"
MMUlr Dec 3, 2009:
What about "branched"? Spontaneously, I thought of "branched" isocyanates, but this would be German -> verzweigte (?).

Here a reference text including "aromatische ... und verzweigte" Isocyanate.
mgrange (asker) Dec 3, 2009:
Wikepedia link Not enough context, but looking at isocyanate in Wikepedia, the molecule does appear to have an angle or bend.
SusanneM Dec 3, 2009:
Where's the angle? Is there enough context to figure out where the angle is?

Proposed translations

9 mins

Non-linear Isocyanate

my understanding
Peer comment(s):

agree Trinh Do : The term refers to the conformation of the group (probably), but this seems most accurate.
2 hrs
Thanks Trinh Do
agree SusanneM
22 hrs
Thanks SusanneM
agree Rolf Keiser
1 day 1 hr
Thanks Goldcoaster
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This has now been confirmed by my client - many thanks to Subbanna and all who contributed."
8 mins

crosslinked isocyanates

More context would have been nice but his may be of help:

US Patent 5760152 - Crosslinked isocyanate functional polymer supports
We claim:
1. A method for preparing a crosslinked isocyanate-functional polymer support comprising the steps of ....

US Patent 3933756 - Process of preparation of synthetic resins by reacting a cross-linked isocyanate polyaddition product with low molecular weight polyisocyanate followed by reaction with an amino alkyl silane

Note added at 49 mins (2009-12-03 13:06:16 GMT)

Yes, crosslinked = vernetzt, but I'm not quite sure about non-linear isocyanates. This reference may help, depending on the context of your translation:
Note from asker:
Sorry I didn't provide more context. I only have the patent claims, which relate to an adhesive produced from polyols by reacting the OH groups with diisocyanates. Your references show that isocyanates can be "crosslinked" in English, but isn't this normally "vernetzt"?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ingrid Hesse : with mgrange: crosslinked = vernetzt
32 mins
Something went wrong...
44 mins

bent isocyanates

The most prominent example for a molecule which is "gewinkelt" is water. For the water molecule, I found the description "bent". So it might work for isocyanates as well, although I was not very lucky in finding google hits.

Note added at 1 Tag14 Min. (2009-12-04 12:31:26 GMT)

In a completely different field in chemistry I found this source:
"Bent vs Linear Metallocenes ..."
In German "bent metallocenes" are "gewinkelte Metallocene".
Something went wrong...
2 days 2 hrs

asymmetrical isocyanates

The term "symmetrical isocyanate(s)" does exist. Thus it is reasonable to use "non-symmetrical", "unsymmetrical" or "asymmetrical" for "gewinkelte Isocyanate". The angle of interest refers to the position of the isocyanate (-NCO) groups (at least 2) within a molecule with respect to each other, and not the the angle within the -NCO itself.
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