Jul 6, 2002 21:10
22 yrs ago
German term

stehen bleiben

German to English Bus/Financial Computers: Software software
Software für Warenwirtschaft

"Wenn man beim Restbetrag 00 eingibt, dann bleibt der Restbetrag bei dem Kunden stehen und erscheint dann ggf. in der nächsten Mahnung".

I have difficulties with "bleibt der Restbetrag bei dem Kunden stehen"

Please help!

my try: When entering 00 at the balance, the balance remains to (?) the customer and should the occasion arise it appears in the next reminder.

Thanks for your help

Proposed translations

17 mins

the customer's balance remains unchanged

is the simple solution of your problem, IMO.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ingrid Richter : sounds good to me
1 hr
agree rapid
2 hrs
agree John Kinory (X)
2 hrs
agree Trudy Peters
4 hrs
agree Chris Rowson (X)
8 hrs
agree Ursula Derx : .".. and may appear in the next reminder", as Kim suggests above.
8 hrs
agree Susan Geiblinger
8 hrs
agree jerrie
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot for your simply way to put it! Thank you all for helping and confirming and thanks Kim for your advice. Karin"
14 mins

When entering 00, the customer's balance will be shown and will appear in the cust. next reminder

Maybe like this....
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger : Sounds good to me. I don't think Karin should translate ggf. as "should the occasion arise." Maybe "may appear in the next reminder."
20 mins
agree stefana
46 mins
neutral Andrzej Lejman : ich vermute, dass sich der Restbetrag nach Eingabe von 00 nicht ändert; davon besagt Ihre Antwort nichts.
1 hr
neutral John Kinory (X) : I have to agree with AL. 'should the occasion arise' is inappropriate in this context - KM's suggestions is much better.
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
14 mins

remain behind with

...remains behind with the customer...


Peer comment(s):

neutral John Kinory (X) : You would not say this on an English-language bank document. Maybe 'remains with', but even that sounds odd. 'behind' is completely out of place.
2 hrs
OK, thanks!
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