Jun 18, 2003 07:41
21 yrs ago
26 viewers *
German term


German to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
I don't know if the right translation is Departement or Institute. We are talking about parts of University
Change log

Sep 30, 2006 13:56: Kim Metzger changed "Field" from "Tech/Engineering" to "Social Sciences" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Education / Pedagogy"


Mary McCusker Jun 18, 2003:
It could be 'Faculty', but more info would be useful

Proposed translations

2 mins


but it depends on the university and the subject (Lehrstuhl = chair)

Note added at 2003-06-18 07:56:33 (GMT)

If you have the name of the university, try checking it\'s website - they may have an official name in English. I recently needed FAM (Fachgruppe für Angewandte Mechanik) at Paderborn University and they call themselves \"Institute of Applied Engineering\" although they are part of the engineering department

But within a university, most people refer to e.g. the chemistry department rather than the chemistry institute.
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter : This is about as close as you can get under the circumstances (Asker: context, please!)
4 mins
agree izy : I'd check the website, because different universities - different names!
44 mins
agree Renate FitzRoy
2 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 mins

(professorial) chair or professorship

Quelle: Langenscheidt Handwörterbuch


Quelle: Dietl, Wörterbuch für Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik, Beck München

professorial chair
Quelle: Blaeser et al., Fachwörterbuch der Personalwirtschaft, Datakontext Frechen
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8 mins


facultys consist of several chairs, e.g. chair of philosophy.

See link below
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4 hrs


This is your safest bet without further information. A professorship can be any rank above that of instructor including the chairperson of a department, the dean of a faculty, or the director of a privately funded institute within a university.

This is how the word Lehrstuhl would be translated in the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong, the countries on the other side of the Atlantic with which I am most familiar.
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