Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
mildly bracing climate
Added to glossary by
Feb 28, 2005 12:05
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term
German to English
Environment & Ecology
Leider nicht viel Hintergrundinfo...
Aus einer Touristenbroschüre über einen Ort in den Alpen: Mildes ***Reizklima*** - das tut gut!
Dann kommt nur noch Information über Infrastruktur etc.
Aus einer Touristenbroschüre über einen Ort in den Alpen: Mildes ***Reizklima*** - das tut gut!
Dann kommt nur noch Information über Infrastruktur etc.
Proposed translations
4 +7 | mildly bracing climate | David Moore (X) |
3 +5 | A gently invigorating climate | gangels (X) |
Proposed translations
2 mins
mildly bracing climate
That's what I suggest.
Note added at 4 mins (2005-02-28 12:09:11 GMT)
The air in (xyzabc) is mildly bracing
Note added at 4 mins (2005-02-28 12:09:11 GMT)
The air in (xyzabc) is mildly bracing
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Steffen Walter
9 mins
agree |
12 mins
agree |
Claire Cox
: Tho' I'd prefer "mild and bracing" // I see what you mean, but I agree with Kenneth that mildly bracing sounds rather wishy washy. Maybe it's mild in summer, but bracing when the elements really get going?
21 mins
Thanks Claire; but don't they tend to contradict each other?
agree |
Kathi Stock
: Klima, das therapeutisch nutzbare Reizfaktoren enthält, z.B. eine erhöhte Abkühlungsgröße mit ausgeprägten Intensitätsschwankungen, erhöhte Intensität der Global- u. UV-Strahlung, verringerter Sauerstoffpartialdruck, verstärkte Tages- u. Jahresschwankunge
31 mins
agree |
Rebekah Wils (X)
: I have translated "Reizklima" as "bracing climate" before
33 mins
agree |
: "Skegness is so bracing"
35 mins
Thanks, Andrew; yes I remember that poster too...
neutral |
Ken Cox
: To my ear, 'mildly bracing' is rather faint praise (like 'mildly attractive' -- i.e., nothing special)
38 mins
mmm, yes, true, but it's also a way of ensuring that those who cannot take too much invigoration (or bracing!) are not frightened off...Otherwise, we send them to Skegness!!!!
agree |
Jonathan MacKerron
: mild bracing climate
1 hr
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks for your help!"
9 mins
A gently invigorating climate
—feels sooo good!
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Lori Dendy-Molz
: Maybe combine the two answers for "mildly invigorating." Somehow "bracing" makes me think of aftershave.
9 mins
agree |
Ken Cox
: The perfect tone for a PR text, and it sounds much closer to the original meaning -- it's not a 'mild reizendes Klima', but a 'mildes Reizklima' -- see Kathi's explanation.
37 mins
agree |
Ian M-H (X)
1 hr
agree |
Colin Newberry
1 hr
agree |
3 hrs