Feb 25, 2005 23:53
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
This is all about a company valuation. What does Teilergebnisse mean in this context?

Im Folgenden Abschnitt wird ein Überblick über unser Vorgehen und die Teilergebnisse bei der Wertüberleitung von der Bewertung der [company]. anläßlich des Börsengangs im Januar 2005 zum Unternehmenswert der [related company] anläßlich des Abschlusses des Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsvertrags im Juli 2004 gegeben.


Non-ProZ.com Mar 2, 2005:
Thanks! Unfortunately the context didn't make it clear, Kieran, so I chose one of your suggestions.

Proposed translations

14 hrs

initial/preliminary results

'initial results of the reconciliation of...', though why they want to do this in the first place beats me. Perhaps the context makes this clear?
Peer comment(s):

agree RobinB : I think you're right here, Kieran, with the German an abbreviated form of "erste Teilergebnisse". What they might have are the results of the reconciliation affecting, say, headline P&L, but not tax, provisions and contingencies, that sort of thing...
2 hrs
thanks Robin
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 mins

partial results

should work
Peer comment(s):

agree Meturgan : that's what I thought
13 mins
agree Mariana Moreira
40 mins
agree Jo Mayr
2 hrs
disagree Terry Moran : What's a partial result? Surely a result must be complete, or it's not a result.
9 hrs
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10 hrs

results in individual areas

One possibility. Has anybody else noticed a growing tendency for German to talk of parts of a whole where English talks of individual items in a group? I keep coming across teilweise where partly would be very odd in English, like "die Ergebnisse waren besser, teilweise sehr viel besser". I think this is probably an example of that. The wider context should make it clear whether my guess of "individual areas" is at all suitable.
Peer comment(s):

agree RobinB : A strong possibility, Terry, but so is Kieran's response, so I have to agree with you both. Has anybody else noticed a growing tendency for literal translations of German terms because of a failure to understand the underlying concepts? :-)
7 hrs
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