Jun 16, 2012 08:09
12 yrs ago
German term


German to English Science Geography
Berlin ist ein Kältepol.

I need a colloquial word for this - official wording seems to be "pole of cold" - but this is not really suitable for my text (young urban language).
Proposed translations (English)
4 -1 Extremely cold
3 +1 cold spot
Change log

Jun 21, 2012 05:45: changed "Language pair" from "German to English" to "English to German"

Jun 21, 2012 07:37: Steffen Walter changed "Language pair" from "English to German" to "German to English"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (1): Lancashireman

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Coqueiro Jun 16, 2012:
Zuordnung und Kontext? Wissenschaft - Geographie - Jugendsprache. Aha! Geht es etwa um eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung räumlicher Abhängigkeiten in der Jugendsprache?
BrigitteHilgner Jun 16, 2012:
Kontext? Worum geht es? Gilt Berlin, was die Temperatur betrifft, generell als kälter als das Umland/ Deutschland? Wird hier ein kurzfristiges Phänomen angesprochen? Ist es vielleicht im übertragenen Sinne gemeint - die Leute sind dort eher kühl? Ein paar Sätze 'drumherum' würden helfen, eine passende Übersetzung vorzuschlagen.

Proposed translations

8 hrs

Extremely cold

Here, maybe "Special Expression " was used!
Peer comment(s):

disagree Kim Metzger : No "special expression."
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you."
1 hr

cold spot

A hot spot/cold spot is an undesirable tightly-focused local temperature variation which often occurs when data center equipment is improperly cooled.


Note added at 1 hr (2012-06-16 09:22:45 GMT)

as in: one of the coldest spots on earth
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Martin, MA : That should do it//This is weird what's going on here..
5 days
Thanks, but unfortunately too late!
Something went wrong...
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