Oct 20, 2004 16:03
20 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


Homework / test German to English Other Government / Politics
Die mühevolle Kärrnerarbeit liegt noch vor

Proposed translations

1 min
German term (edited): K�rrnerarbeit

A long hard road lies ahead

I'd say "A long hard road lies ahead"
Peer comment(s):

agree Derek Gill Franßen : Yup, it's going to be a tough field to plow. ;-) // ...or whatever (mangled) barnyard metaphor is appropriate. ;-)
3 mins
The cows are comin' home to roost
agree vhz
4 mins
agree Ian M-H (X)
8 mins
agree Armorel Young : Kärrner being an old word for a carter - someone who hauls things about (Ian, that's for the asker, not for you :-)
30 mins
agree Frosty
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks Ian :)"
11 mins
German term (edited): K�rrnerarbeit

grunt work

The grunt work still lies ahead.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger : Yes, a little blunt, but it's what Kärrnerarbeit is: hard, painstaking work.
5 mins
neutral Ian M-H (X) : hmm, Google's got this quite a few times, but (as a Brit) I'd never heard the expression before Norbert's suggestion - and I don't think I've led too sheltered a life ;-)
6 mins
neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : in addition, it sounds dreadful!
7 mins
neutral IanW (X) : Never head of it either - strictly US, methinks // I don't doubt that it's used, but if we Brits and Irish haven't heard of it, then I wouldn't use it unless it is for an exclusively North American market.
12 mins
agree Derek Gill Franßen : To the Ians: Where have you been my men? ;-) You've really never heard of "grunt work" (that surprises me)? I've heard it many times - it's probably an American term (for those who haven't heard of it, see: http://learnenglishnow.com/gruntwork.html). ;-)
14 mins
agree Terry Gilman : It's AmE for donkey work; grunts are also the low guys on the totem pole in the millitary services
1 hr
neutral Frosty : In the US Military, a `Grunt´ is an Infantryman.
1 hr
agree Ellen Zittinger : in the US, yes
3 hrs
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19 mins

the hard graft lies ahead

for another option
Peer comment(s):

disagree Andras Malatinszky : While theoretically correct, the fact that graft also means corruption gives rise to an unwanted double meaning in this political context.
5 hrs
not when combined with "hard" - without it I would agree but this is an expression- with no disrespect it's a mother tongue thing
agree IanW (X) : "Hard graft" is perfect in this context - no double meanings whatsoever
16 hrs
thanks Ian - very fair of you
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2 hrs
German term (edited): K�rrnerarbeit

the really hard work is still to come

another way to go

Note added at 2 hrs 2 mins (2004-10-20 18:05:47 GMT)

the real challenge lies ahead

Note added at 2 hrs 18 mins (2004-10-20 18:21:04 GMT)

the proof is in the pudding
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