Dec 9, 2009 01:13
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

Kompetenzen AT

German to English Bus/Financial Human Resources Business
Persönliche Kompetenzen AT
From a position description - what does the AT stand for? Is it a German abbreviation?
Change log

Dec 9, 2009 07:38: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Social Sciences" to "Bus/Financial"


SusanneM Dec 9, 2009:
Planstellenbeschreibung=Planstelle+Stellenbeschr. A "Planstelle" is a position in an administrative office (or a similar organisation). It is an abstract position that can also be vacant. If the office has a "Planstelle", they also have the budget to pay a public servant in that position. The public office needs a written "Stellenbeschreibung" (position description) for each "Planstelle". This description must not refer to a particular person. For example, if a public servant retires, the "Stellenbeschreibung" remains unchanged. You may want to check the Wikipedia articles on "Planstelle" and "Stellenbeschreibung" ( and There's also a graphic describing the sections of a "Stellenbeschreibung" ( I'm still not sure what "AT" actually means, but it's probably part of the section on soft skills.
Veronika McLaren (asker) Dec 9, 2009:
@ Steffen I think you are on the right track. I was having difficulty with the concept of "Planstellenbeschreibung" to begin with. It seems to be a cross between a performance review and a position description. "PK's AT" is the last category after Hauptaufgaben, Anforderungen, Erfahrung, IT-Kenntnisse etc.
Veronika McLaren (asker) Dec 9, 2009:
Apparently there are more or less official levels of "AT" - listed below the heading are the skills: Konfliktmanagement, Zielstrebigkeit, Strategisches Denken...

Proposed translations

38 mins

skills, work ethics

AT might stand for Arbeitstugende. Personal skills, work ethics. This presupposes a comma between the two terms.

Für die B e g r i f f s b e s t i m m u n g der A r b e i t s t u g e n d e n (AT) g r e i f e n w ir auf den B e g r i f f der s o z i a l e n Norm zurück. So lassen sich s o z i a l e Normen auffassen a l s :
"Regulative für das Verhalten von wenigstens zwei i n t e r a g i e r e n -
den Akteuren, wobei diese Akteure sowohl Individuen oder auch
Gruppen/ Organisationen/ I n s t i t u t i o n e n sein mögen."

Sie sind für eine Mehrzahl von Personen s a n k t i o n i e r -
te und allgemein geltende Standards des Verhaltens und bestimmen
Verhaltensspielräume von Personen. Grundsätzlich sind diese
Standards in Wechselwirkung mit den bestehenden g e s e l l s c h a f t l i chen Rahmenbedingungen zu betrachten.

Die Auswahl relevanter Arbeitstugenden für die moderne I n d u s t r i e g e s e l l s c h a f t e r f o l g t e nach L i t e r a t u r a n a l y s e n ( h i s t o r i s c h e E n t w i c k l u n g ) , der Analyse von B e u r t e i l u n g e n und S t e l l e n a n g e b o t e n ( d e r z e i t g e f o r d e r t e A r b e i t s t u g e n d e n ) und dem K r i t e r i u m der p r a k t i k a b l e n A b g r e n z b a r k e i t .

Qualifikationen vermitteln – Schlüsselqualifikationen fördern ...

„Für den einen beschreiben Kompetenzen die klassischen Arbeitstugenden, für andere das, was Mertens unter Schlüsselqualifikationen fasst, und für Dritte ...

What are work ethics?

Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibilities. This involves attitude, behavior, respect, communication, and interaction; how one gets along with others. Work ethics demonstrate many things about whom and how a person is.

Work ethics involve such characteristics as honesty and accountability. Essentially, work ethics break down to what one does or would do in a particular situation. The begging question in a situation involves what is right and acceptable, and above board, versus what is wrong, underhanded, and under the table.

Note added at 50 mins (2009-12-09 02:03:28 GMT)

Tugenden are, of course, virtues, so "ethics" is a bit of a stretch. But would anybody talk about "work virtues"? Maybe 'attitudes' is a better choice.
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Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse
21 mins
agree David Hollywood
43 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, everyone - I suppose these skills are außertariflich in the sense that they are invaluable and cannot be compensated with pay."
6 hrs

(individual) skills/abilities of employees outside the (scope of) the collective agreement

"Persönliche Kompetenzen" could be "individual skills and abilities". "AT" might also stand for "außertariflich(e Mitarbeiter)", i. e. salaried employees outside the scope of [not covered by] the relevant collective agreement with whom individual/separate pay agreements are entered into, but that's a very long shot as we don't have any other information. Can't you provide some more context?

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Reference comments

27 mins

AT = Arbeitstechnik?

AT = Arbeitstechnik<BR>
Googling "Persönliche Kompetenzen Arbeitstechnik" gives numerous results.
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