German term
Schmidt's Katze, usw.
This is the beginning of a description for a "pocket photo studio" - as far as I can tell, it's a curved white surface that can be used as a background for photographing small objects (being advertised on a digital camera website). Unfortunately the description is vague & I don't have a good picture in my head of exactly what it would look like. But I'd appreciate any help I can get with "Schmidt's Katze", and also the "Inhalationsanlage für Schmalkopferte" - clearly it's meant to be clever, but I'm not quite sure how to put it in English.
Jul 3, 2015 14:20: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Idioms / Maxims / Sayings"
Proposed translations
101 things to do with....
You buy this thing and you are totally inspired.
It could be used as...
A face mask for the mentally challenged (I'm thinking Michael Jackson here, and his white surgical mask)
A portable cat carrying appliance
(A hat, a badge, a pair of ear-rings...the sillier the better!)
Smith's England we have an expression 'Keeping up with the Jones's'... going one better than your neighbours...
The definitive cat carrier!
Let your mind run riot!
Note added at 2003-01-31 09:12:10 (GMT)
Sorry, got my dimensions wrong...think very small
A collar for pets
Face mask for people with very small heads
Handbag for Smith\'s cat.
Alternative needn\'t just be a pocket photo studio!
(A ring for people with very large fingers..!)
for the neighbor's cat
Harry and Mary's cat
Elizabethan collar for Rundum-Halskrause
An Elizabethan collar is used to prevent a dog or cat from licking its wounds or pulling out stitches. It also prevents them from using some of their senses (smelling, hearing) in a rear direction.
Have a look at the Goggle pictures.
Maybe it means that you can enhance the face and blur the body or vv.
I might be on the wrong track, but following it, Schmidt's Katze is the Smith family's cat, you get a clear picture of the cat and blur the family. Good idea.
Schmalkopferte brings me back to cats.
People with small faces have a 'Katzenkopferl' or a 'Katzenkopf'. (can't find this in any Duden-Edition, but know it, and will try to prove)
Maybe we just want to bring a small face in the background to the front.
The handbag! Can you pick some lady's bag and move it closer to the poor cat?
The hopefully following technical data shoud clarify the mistery.
Inhallation ....
Back to cats. They like to snuggle into armpits, or roll in a sweaty t-shirt of their favourite person. But without any supporting pictures we are lost.
The Elizabethan Collar might help.
Schmidt's Katze is
The Smith family's cat
Note added at 2003-01-31 02:34:16 (GMT)
Unfortunately I can\'t prove my interpretation of Katzenköpfchen,Katzenkopferl, Sorrry!
I guess Schmalkopferte are just faces in the background.
with a carrying case for every Tom and Jerry
you could really get carried away, and make it for every Dick, Tom and Jerry, but that's taking it a bit far.
Inhalation masks for undersize patients.
Basically, the author did get carried away, and is trying to list ridiculous inventions. A bit of poetic license is allowed.
agree |
Norbert Hermann
: fab - well done!
1 hr
agree |
Tey Lyn (X)
: I like the *undersized* for *Schmalkopferte* - it is a nice, poetic transl.
4 hrs
agree |
Doris Marka
4 hrs
agree |
Steffen Walter
5 hrs
agree |
Martin Schmurr
6 hrs
agree |
gangels (X)
: or 'people wearing blinders'
10 hrs
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