Dec 16, 2006 21:03
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Grundstückkaufvertrag
Die Käuferin ist verpflichtet, die sich aus dem 3. städtebaulichen Vertrag vom 12.05.2005 (Anlage 5) für die Verkäuferin ergebenden Verpflichtungen zu übernehmen, so weit diese Verpflichtungen sich auf das hier verkaufte Vertragsgrundstück beziehen und die Verkäuferin davon freizustellen.

Dies gilt insbesondere für die Regelung in § 2 - Nachfolgelasten des 3. städtebaulichen Vertrages vom 12.05.2005. Die Käuferin bevollmächtigt unwiderruflich den hier beurkundenden Notar, der Gemeinde mitzuteilen, dass die Käuferin diese Verpflichtungen anstelle des Eigentümers übernimmt.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 subsequent obligations
2 +1 subsequent costs
3 subsequent charges

Proposed translations

22 hrs

subsequent obligations

I'm not entirely sure whether this is about subsequent land charges to be entered (in the land register) or costs to be borne by the buyer, hence my attempt to come up with something more neutral (supported by "...dass die Käuferin ***diese Verpflichtungen*** anstelle des Eigentümers übernimmt.").

Note added at 22 hrs (2006-12-17 19:50:00 GMT)

Having had a look at the source quoted by Teresa above - - Astrid's suggestion "costs" does seem appropriate here.

Note added at 22 hrs (2006-12-17 19:52:07 GMT)

... Ingeborg's suggestion not Astrid's ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Johanna Timm, PhD : safe option
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
1 hr

subsequent costs

I'm not sure whether this is the commmonly used technical term; but it comes up with wikipedia and judging from from the context this would make sense here...
Hope this helps
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kim Metzger : It comes up with wikipedia? Do you mean Google? Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and there's nothing in Wikipedia on the subject.
1 hr
sorry; i saw my mistake afterwards; I meant webtranslate. mea culpa, mea culpa!
agree Teresa Reinhardt : has a nice definition under "Ortszentrum: Wann kommen die Bagger?"
3 hrs
thanks, Teresa
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

subsequent charges

I would prefer "charges", as this reflects the meaning more accurately.
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