Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Es wird festgestellt, dass...

English translation:

The court has found as follows

Added to glossary by Teresa Reinhardt
Dec 27, 2009 16:34
14 yrs ago
14 viewers *
German term

Es wird festgestellt, dass...

German to English Law/Patents Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Klage wegen Patentverletzung
Es wird festgestellt, dass die Beklagten verpflichtet sind, der Klägerin allen Schaden zu ersetzen, welcher der Klägerin und/oder ihren Rechtsvorgängern der XXX GmbH sowie der YYY GmbH & Co. KG durch die Handlungen gemäß Ziff. I.1 seit dem [Datum] entstanden ist und noch entsteht, und zwar mit der Maßgabe:

a) Die Beklagten sind als Gesamtschuldener zum Ersatz des Schadens verpflichtet, der...
b) Die Beklagten sind ferner zum Ersatz des Schadens verpflichtet, der....

Finde hierfür keine gute Formulierung. Vorab vielen Dank!
Change log

Jan 10, 2010 05:02: Teresa Reinhardt Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

11 hrs

The court has found as follows

I think this is more than what has been suggested; this seems to be about a German "Feststellungsklage" and the resuting judgment
(which is a much stronger statement)

If would use one of the usual phrases (the court finds as follows...) or use a literal translation in quotes and add (Feststellung) - any lawyer worth his/her salt will then immediately know what that means (legally).

This might not be the case with the other suggestions, I think - and it's definitely not a mutual agreement or merely an assertion - this is the final court decision
Peer comment(s):

agree Derek Gill Franßen
5 hrs
Thanks, Derek!
agree Ingrid Velleine
1 day 3 hrs
Thanks, Ingrid!
agree Monika Elisabeth Sieger
1 day 7 hrs
Thanks, Sivara!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
20 mins

It is determined that....


Richard L. Underwood, Jr. ENTRY I
It is determined that a conflict exists. The parties are to brief the issue stated at page 2 of the court of appeals' Judgment Entry filed October 20, 2008, ...
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24 mins

It is acknowledged/agreed that

mutual declaratory statement

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44 mins

It is asserted that...

The claim for damages is asserted.
Assertion of non-contractual claims for damages...
Geltendmachung von ausservertraglichen Schadenersatzansprüchen...

Example sentence:

Assertion of non-contractual claims for damages and protection of legal interests in the event of travel and sports accidents and in the event of suffering assault, robbery or theft.

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Reference comments

3 mins

KudoZ glossary - feststellen

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Derek Gill Franßen : Merry Christmas to you too, Kim! :)
12 mins
Merry Christmas, Derek.
agree milinad
12 hrs
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