Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

unreported taxable income

Added to glossary by Klaus Urban
Jan 4, 2007 16:16
18 yrs ago
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs Money
Aufzählung von Geldern unredlicher Herkunft:
"Gelder aus kriminellen Handlungen, Geldwäsche, Steuerhinterziehung / ***Schwarzgeld***".

Leo bietet "black money" an,
ein Kudoz-Glossar gibt an: "tainted money".

Wer kennt die passende Übersetzung?


Klaus Urban (asker) Jan 4, 2007:
David there isn´t much more context, as it is an enumeration which I have given. The overall context is an assessment of the relationship between people and money in Germany for an investor from abroad.
David Moore (X) Jan 4, 2007:
Really, Klaus!!! You've sold us short on context this time, encher??
I like "tainted money", and would certainly advise against "slush money" - that has a specific connotation of being hidden in someone's drawer for bribery, as politicians often find....

Proposed translations

1 hr

unreported taxable income

I suggest to go with "tax evasion/ unreported taxable income" - one example is below. jccantrell is essentially correct; however, Schwarzgeld isn't exactly "untaxed money", it is taxable income that wasn't reported on the income tax return.
Note from asker:
Thank you!
Peer comment(s):

agree Julia Lipeles
5 mins
agree Kirsti Green (X) : I think this is much better than black money, which a lot of English speakers wouldn't understand. This explains the term better.
36 mins
Thanks Kirsti, and I agree; "black money" does not sound like AE to me. Might be BE.
agree DC Josephs : This is the most accurate imo - you could also omit "taxable" as understood
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I like this most!"
4 mins

black money

also: slush money

see e.g. Der Kleine Eichborn
Note from asker:
Danke, Edith!
Peer comment(s):

agree David Hollywood : black money = income, as from illegal activities, and not declared for tax purposes
5 mins
agree Paul Cohen : Oh, I like slush money. I missed that the first time around. That sounds nice and sleazy, brings to mind crooked politicians and company bosses.
7 mins
agree Kim Metzger : Maybe in quotation marks.
21 mins
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X) : or: undeclared income
35 mins
agree BrigitteHilgner : Spontan hätte ich "black money" gesagt; Pons Collins sagt "illegal earnings", aber richtig schön ist "slush money". Muss ich mir merken.
40 mins
agree Valeska Nygren : in quotation marks
1 hr
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9 mins

cooking the books (here)

What color is money anyway?

My dictionary says black money, too. I've never heard of the term, though.

It looks your text combines it with tax evasion. If it's "Steuerhinterziehung / Schwarzgeld", then you could use the slightly humorous term "cooking the books".

It's another way of saying "creative accounting"
Note from asker:
Thank you, Paul!
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12 mins

untaxed money

I would combine both terms. One is intentionally not paying taxes, the other, I assume, comes from 'Schwarzarbeit', i.e., working off the books so as to avoid more than just taxes (Sozialabgaben, etc.)

Note from asker:
Thank you!
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