Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

after the fall of the iron curtain

Added to glossary by Terence Ajbro
Nov 16, 2004 12:42
20 yrs ago
German term


Non-PRO German to English Other Linguistics
Als geborener Stratege führte er das Unternehmen in den Anfangszeiten der Ostöffnung gegen Osten und zu einem der bedeutendsten Konzerne in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche in Zentraleuropa

Proposed translations

8 mins
German term (edited): Ost�ffnung

after the fall of the iron curtain

I don't think the Berlin Wall specifically is indicated here, but more generally the Eastern Block countries.
Peer comment(s):

agree Louise Mawbey
7 mins
agree Annika Neudecker : Terence, you're right. "Iron Curtain" is better. But it needs to be capitalized.
9 mins
agree Steffen Walter : That's it IMO.
15 mins
agree kadolan (X)
42 mins
agree Olaf Reibedanz : with capital letters: Iron Curtain
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

the opening towards the East

does it really say "Ostöffnung gegen Osten"??????? !!!!

In the early days of the opening towards the East
Something went wrong...
2 mins
German term (edited): Ost�ffnung

after the wall fell

... I'd say :-)

Note added at 3 mins (2004-11-16 12:46:23 GMT)

Or rather....

...during the first months/years (depending on context) after the wall had fallen...

Note added at 8 mins (2004-11-16 12:50:32 GMT)

...and one more thing:

I\'d capitalize \"Wall\".
Peer comment(s):

neutral Steve Yates : I would replace 'Wall' with 'Iron Curtain' to include all of Eastern Europe
13 mins
neutral CMJ_Trans (X) : As I understood it, the opneing started well before the Wall came down.....
25 mins
Something went wrong...
8 mins
German term (edited): Ost�ffnung

parting of the Iron Curtain

A phrase I sometimes use for the fall of Communism in the east, might work for you here.
Peer comment(s):

agree Melanie Nassar
16 mins
neutral Terence Ajbro : reminds me of the "parting of the Red Sea" ;-)
37 mins
agree Francis Lee (X) : I think more of a matinee performance of "From Russia With Love" - but it's still a good phrase!
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs
German term (edited): Ost�ffnung

when the East was starting to open up commercially

"Iron Curtain"'s probably better, tho'
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