Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

sensation of warmth

Added to glossary by Dr Sarai Pahla, MBChB
Jun 12, 2012 19:00
12 yrs ago
20 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general) Orthopaedics
"Knie Kapselschwellung ohne Überwärmung"
The dictionary translation is "hyperthermia". Contextually, this could be "calor" - but could this also refer to generalized pyrexia?


uyuni Jun 13, 2012:
@ Johannes I do not know the exact reason/context here, but it is a common finding in joint infection, arthritis, osteoarthritis and (rarely) in joint trauma. That´s what the finding sounds like, at least...
Johannes Gleim Jun 13, 2012:
@ Sarai Could you please tell us the reason for that "Überwärmung"? Is it due to injuries, to dysfunctional thermoregulation or to therapeutical measures?

Proposed translations

3 mins

sensation of warmth

yes, it's calor, but no, it's neither general pyrexia nor hyperthermia.

Note added at 5 mins (2012-06-12 19:05:55 GMT)

You know the 4 signs of inflammation: calor, dolor, rubor and tumor!

Pyrexia is increased body T --generalized rather localized. Here it is clearly localized to the knee.
Peer comment(s):

agree SJLD : yes, it just means the knee is not warm/hot to the touch
44 mins
Thanks a lot!
agree Gisela Greenlee
3 hrs
Thanks, Gisela
agree Harald Moelzer (medical-translator)
1 day 16 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, this is very helpful!!"
29 mins


Malignant Hyperthermia - Health - The New York Time › Times Health Guide › m -
1 Apr 2011 – This condition is not the same as hyperthermia that is due to medical emergencies such as heat stroke or infection. News & Features

Note added at 32 Min. (2012-06-12 19:32:41 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- - ... Hyperthermia Induces Venous Blood Alkalosis: A Study in Five Ironman Triathletes .... Typically, damage within the knee causes swelling and the fluid is pumped from the ... No. Prolotherapy to the injured structure will stimulate the body to repair it. ... a baker's cyst to form: the menisci, ligaments, cartilage, or joint capsule.

Note added at 36 Min. (2012-06-12 19:36:19 GMT)

that´s why I plead for hyperthermia:
hyperthermia of the knee joint due to the acute irritation. Therapy .... condition, diagnosis may be very difficult as pain, swelling and tense muscles hinder ... ligaments and/or the dorsolateral capsule edge with rupture of the Popliteus tendon).

Note added at 38 Min. (2012-06-12 19:38:47 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

disagree SJLD : hyperthermia = abnormally elevated body temperature - this is not the case here, it's just referring to a knee joint/well I'm a native English speaking physician and I'm prone to disagree!
19 mins
and if this knee joint is overly warm or hot owing to a swelling for instance, physician would equally use the term, I´m prone to believe.
disagree Lirka : ah, we'd be in much trouble if we got hyperthermia each time we got injured:):)
23 mins
what makes you think that a simple injury is involved here. the knee might be swollen; swellings usually are accompanied by an increase of temperature. hyperthermia is used widely in the medical jargon, whether produced artificially or not.
disagree Siegfried Armbruster : Hyperthermia is a completely different thing. I actually know the clinic that produced the text you are using as a reference, their English is as bad as their surgical services. @Johannes What might be the reason that 3 MDs disagree?
27 mins
agree Johannes Gleim : The German medical term is "Hyperthermie", hyperthermie f. - h muet [méd.] die Hyperthermie
2 hrs
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54 mins

(no) increased warmth on touch

There was no redness or *warmth on touch*.

Mild tenderness and *increased warmth on touch.*

Color change of the leg. · *Warmth on touch* in the affected area.

*Local warmth on touch*. Active extension of the injured distal interphalangeal joint t is painful.

Not normal, significant swelling, red skin, pain on touch, noticeable *warmth on touch*...

Peer comment(s):

agree SJLD : warmth to the touch is more idiomatic
1 hr
THX, your discussion entry and my answer came up simultaneously...
agree Gudrun Maydorn (X) : with SJLD
9 hrs
Yes, *to* is more frequent than *on*...
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

3 hrs


deutsch englisch
Überwärmung hyperthermia
Das HEXAL Englischwörterbuch Medizin

Hyperthermia Fieber, nicht näher bezeichnet
Hyperthermia Pyrexie
Hyperthermia Temperaturanstieg
hyperthermia Fieber
hyperthermia Hyperthermie
hyperthermia Wärmetherapie

Glossary of HIV(AIDS)-Related Terms

An unproven and dangerous experimental procedure that involves temporarily heating a patient's body core to temperatures of up to 108o F on the theory that this temperature kills free HIV and HIV-containing cells. One method for accomplishing this is by passing patients blood through an external heater. This is called extracorporeal whole body hyperthermia.

NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms

[hy-per-THER-mee-a]A type of treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures to damage and kill cancer cells or to make cancer cells more sensitive to the effects of radiation and certain anticancer drugs.

A Service of the National Cancer Institute.
Dictionary of Medicine

Treatment that involves heating a tumor.

Note added at 21 hrs (2012-06-13 16:53:44 GMT)

Im Gegensatz zur Kommentar lirkas gibt es mehrere Arten der Hyperthermie, darunter auch gewollte Überwärmungen:

Hyperthermie ist eine Überwärmung des Körpers gegen die Tendenz des Wärmeregulationszentrums. Im Gegensatz zum Fieber ist sie nicht durch Pyrogene ausgelöst und spricht daher nicht auf fiebersenkende Medikamente an. Eine Sonderform ist die Maligne Hyperthermie, bei der die erhöhte Körpertemperatur als schwere unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkung und auch beim Konsum von bestimmten Drogen (z.B. Ecstasy) auftritt.

Die künstlich erzeugte Temperaturerhöhung (Therapeutische Hyperthermie) wird beispielsweise zur Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen angewendet. Hyperthermie wird besonders im Bereich der alternativen Krebsbehandlung sowie in der komplementären Onkologie eingesetzt. Durch die künstliche Überwärmung des Körpers kann im Einzelfall eine bislang unwirksame Chemo- oder Strahlentherapie unterstützt, bzw. erst zur Wirksamkeit gebracht werden.

Es gibt verschiedene Arten der Hyperthermie. Man unterscheidet zwischen Ganzkörperhyperthermie, loko-regionaler Tiefenhyperthermie und Prostatahyperthermie. Bei der Ganzkörper-Hyperthermie wird mit Ausnahme des Kopfes der gesamte Körper mittels wassergefilterter Infrarotstrahler überwärmt. Dabei erreicht die Körpertemperatur Werte zwischen 39,5 °C und 40,5 °C. Bei der lokoregionalen Tiefenhyperthermie wird nur das betroffene Gewebe oder Organ bis maximal 44 Grad Celsius überwärmt. Einen besonderen Stellenwert hat die Behandlung der Prostata mittels der Transurethralen Hyperthermie. Dabei wird zusätzlich zur Wärme ein elektrisches Feld aus Radiokurzwellen aufgebaut.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

disagree Siegfried Armbruster : Natürlich ist hypertermia eine korrekte Übersetzung für den Begriff Überwärmung, aber halt nicht in dem Kontext der gestellten Frage.
7 hrs
Das Hexal-Wörterbuch der Medizin übersetzt dies aber genau so. Und Hyperthermie kann auch auf Körperteile angewendet werden. Im Kontext verstehe ich das so, dass hier keine (gewollte) Überwärmung stattfindet.
disagree Lirka : with Siegfried; not at all suitable for this context// because it's a different entity altogether.Hyperthermia is an elevated body temperature due to failed thermoregulation. Here,only the knee is hot. the patient may as well have hypothermia due to injur
17 hrs
As taken from Wikipedia, the hyperthermia can be created aritifically as well as by wrong thermal regulation. The context does not indicate the reason or method. Hyperthermia caused by injuries is therefore only a suggestion, but not proved.
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