Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

macht jeden Schritt (Bewegung)mit

English translation:

. . . they move with the baby.

Added to glossary by Terri Doerrzapf (X)
Mar 21, 2002 14:06
22 yrs ago
German term

Discussion Mar 21, 2002:
This was one of the moms Kinder f�hlen sich am wohlsten in Fixies, weil sie viel aufnehmen and jede Bewegung mitmachen
msebold Mar 21, 2002:
Is it in the form of a question? Or is it a statement with a yes/no or 1-to-5 rating response? Mar 21, 2002:
it's a survey can you say: "it follows your child's every move"?

Proposed translations

8 hrs

. . . they move with the baby.

Is what I would use in the context of a survey response.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "you really worked for this one :)) Thanks"
2 mins

follows any step of the way

absorbs every movement

just a few suggestions
Peer comment(s):

agree Teresa Duran-Sanchez : I think it's a brilliant translation!
4 mins
neutral Bob Kerns (X) : How about "every" instead of "any"?
10 mins
neutral gangels (X) : what else do diapers absorb aside from movement???
8 hrs
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23 mins

with you on every move

or follows you on every move
(well, 'you' is probably not appropiate)

just an idea
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1 hr

Takes every step,makes every move.

A little catchier,if that's what you're
looking for.
Peer comment(s):

agree Elvira Stoianov : I like this one best
3 hrs
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4 hrs

With baby every step of the way ...

The difficult thing is the 'mit' ... it needs an object in English, you can't say 'you' because the nappies aren't used for you, they're for the baby ...which is also why you can't use imperative forms.

For those first (fumbling) steps and beyond ...
For the first step and every step ...

Just ideas, hope they help.

Peer comment(s):

agree msebold : Your first and third suggestions are the other ones I like.
3 hrs
agree gangels (X)
4 hrs
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5 hrs

follows each step

follows each movement

I hope this helps
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7 hrs

Baby's first step? We've got it covered!

This sounds like advertising to me and, although some will disagree, my philosophy is to do the translation so that serves the same purpose as the source text - this might require completely different wording.

Note added at 2002-03-21 21:56:35 (GMT)

Here\'s what Proctor & Gamble uses for their Cruisers diaper:
\"Cruisers offer such an incredible stretch that they’ll follow your baby wherever she moves.\"

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8 hrs

Rewrite it

In the case of a survey question, I would make sure that the English question asks the same thing as the German question. Actually, it's probably a statement for which the respondent gives yes/no anwer or a 1-to-5 rating. So perhaps:
"prevents leaks during movement"
"moves with baby's movements:
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