Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

ein schlüssiges Erschließungssystem

English translation:

so that the supply system is interconnected.

Added to glossary by Ana Hermida
Jan 9, 2002 18:14
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

ein schlüssiges Erschließungssystem

German to English Tech/Engineering
Sorry, not much context: the document has to do with the construction of a swimming pool, and various tank systems for the house and the garden.

Efforts are to be made to achieve uniformity in the tank system. Also, the water and the garden tanks are to be connected under bedrooms 2 and 3. The water supply for the kitchen is to receive a carbon cartridge filter.

Then comes the "problem" passage:

"Herr X wird checken, wie welches Wasser wo aufgefangen wird damit ein schlüssiges Erschließungssystem passiert."

Is Erschließungssystem some kind of recovery system? And what would schlüssig mean in this context?
Am stuck - would be grateful for any ideas.
TIA, Beth.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

so that the supply system is interconnected.

I would suggest that the 'Versorgungssystem' is meant here, not the 'Entsorgungssystem' (Erschließung = opening up, etc). Hence 'supply system'. 'Schlüssig' is actually not quite proper German here (meaning 'conclusiv') but it is close to 'Anschluss' and 'bündig' and hence the author was tempted to hijack it for his purpose, hence 'interconnected'.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Ulla Haufe : schlüssig is proper German, it means 'logical' as mentioned by Christa
6 mins
You are quite right - it is proper German. I will rephrase my statement: I suspect that for the intended meaning (durchgängig angeschlossen) the use of 'schlüssig' is actually not quite proper German. Being an architect myself, I know that colleages like
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I would like to thank everyone for their help. This was a tough nut to crack that in the end still left me feeling like I was guessing. My engineer husband, who absolutely hates trying to help with this type of text unless he can look at a drawing, suggested "closed loop system," which seemed plausible to me given the context. I think the "interconnected" idea comes the closest to that. But thanks again to everyone!"
7 mins

an efficient (water) supply system

I think what is meant here is an "efficient supply system" to provide the swimming pool with water.

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12 mins

integrated disposal system

your 'uniformity' led me to uniform, but I think uniform = integrated is meant

Erschließung = normally 'development' but I believe it's about the disposal system here


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13 mins

integrated disposal system

your 'uniformity' led me to uniform, but I think uniform = integrated is meant

Erschließung = normally 'development' but I believe it's about the disposal system here
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15 mins

to ascertain a contiguous supply of water

That's what I would say.
schluessig probably means that the system delivers water to all places where there is demand.


Note added at 2002-01-09 18:33:00 (GMT)

erschliessen = to develop, to tap, to make available (LEO online)
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1 hr

efficient supply and diposal system

Erschließungssystem = Ver- und Entsorgungssystem (for which I am suggesting supply and diposal)

"schlüssig" really means "logical", I think, but from an engineering point of view that means nothing, because it's all supposed to be logical (!), so I think "efficient" is better.
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3 hrs

appropriate recovery system

The fact that "welches Wasser wo aufgefangen wird" leads to the conclusion that it MUST be a recovery system as disposal would not make any difference.

Eurodicautom also gives retrieval for Erschliessung, so recovery appears correct here.
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3 hrs

efficient exploitation system

The water is to be captured and then put to use.
"To use" is "to exploit."
Here, the system is designed to explait the captured water.

Note added at 2002-01-09 21:57:52 (GMT)

In this context \"schluessig\" can mean \"commensurate\" or \"appropriate\" or \"coordinated.\"
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