Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

corrispondenza contabile

English translation:

consistency in accounting

Added to glossary by Paul O'Brien
Nov 29, 2009 13:01
15 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Italian term

corrispondenza contabile

Italian to English Bus/Financial Accounting
Talking about disputes (quantities of goods, invoice totals etc.) arising between companies in the same group who buy and sell from/to each other. I think I know what they mean here (they've got to get the thing sorted and the two sets of books have to tally, right?), but I can't find an accounting term for "correspondenza".

"Definita la controversia nei modi e nei tempi suindicati, le parti, se necessario, dovranno porre in essere le opportune scritture di rettifica al fine di garantire la corrispondenza contabile delle rispettive posizioni".

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4 consistency in accounting

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consistency in accounting

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