Dec 18, 2001 02:50
23 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Italian term

prassi anglosassone

Italian to English Bus/Financial
..Tale metodo, molto usato nella prassi anglosassone, parte dal presupposto che ogni attivita economica..


Floriana (X) Dec 18, 2001:
Tell us a bit? What's the audience? (Sometimes, for a US audience you just need to say "widely used in the US"!!

Proposed translations

3 hrs

customary in the English speaking world

Another way of getting the point across. I find anglo-saxon slightly off-key for an English speaking audience if that's who the text is adressed to.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you to all, PC"
21 mins

Anglo-Saxon praxis (practice/custom/use)

prassi = linea di comportamento nell'ambito di una consuetudine amministrativa, giudiziaria o professionale = praxis
Peer comment(s):

agree Peter Cox : Yes, not just the US of A!
2 hrs
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5 hrs

widely used in the English speaking world.

Floriana had it right with "widely used"


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