Jun 12, 2002 23:08
22 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Bus/Financial
Lo status di "residente" nel territorio dello stato trascina con sé la c.d. mondializzazione del reddito: per il ché ogni reddito conseguito dal soggetto residente va dichiarato in Italia
Proposed translations (English)
4 +5 worldwide income
4 +1 mondialization
4 globalisation

Proposed translations

1 hr

worldwide income

ma attenzione: esistono accordi tra l'Italia e altri stati per evitare la cosiddetta doppia tassazione nella quale si puo' incorre

Tornando alla traduzione: eviterei di tradurre globalizzazione, perche' significa un'altra cosa.

Il termine utilizzato nelle norme fiscali e' "worldwide income" (lo so per esperienza personale, la norma esiste anche in Canada, basta vedere la nostra dichiarazione dei redditi)

Resident status entails that worldwide income is taken into account....

There may be no taxes in the Marquesas, but Vecepia is a citizen of the United States. She was born in Portland, Ore., and lives in California. As a U.S. citizen, she must pay tax on her worldwide income.

If the Marquesas had imposed a tax on her winnings, she would be able to get a credit against her U.S. income tax liability for taxes paid to that country.

Canadian Tax Highlights
The use of worldwide income as the starting point for calculating the NY taxable
income of a Netherlands Antilles corporation was recently upheld by the New ...
www.ctf.ca/ctfpubs/cth/000607.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Tax information from Malcolm Pacific Immigration, New Zealand
... Non-residents are only taxed on New Zealand sourced income whereas residents (which
the RRV Policy requires an applicant to be) is taxed on worldwide income. ...

Peer comment(s):

agree biancaf202
1 hr
agree Hege Jakobsen Lepri : oh yes, for someone subject to taxation to worldwide income taxation.... that's what comes to mind
6 hrs
agree Orietta Neri
6 hrs
agree Antonella Andreella (X)
7 hrs
agree gmel117608
1 day 21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Perfect! Thank you so much Paola"
18 mins


Scusa per la confusione con l'altra domanda

Note added at 2002-06-12 23:28:26 (GMT)


The globalization of financial capital and the multiplication of multi-nationals companies constitutes the core of what we call

mondialization, to study , the phenomena of mondialization , let,s start by analysing the evolution of capitalism in a

socio-historian perspective.


It\'s also a bit anachronistic and typically \'French\' (if you will pardon the expression), to shut out the increasing globalisation of the sport, particularly in the U.S. I wonder what Hein Verbruggen has to say about this step back in the \"mondialization\" of cycling.


Peer comment(s):

neutral Gillian Hargreaves (X) : Although you can find this word used in English, it almost always appears within quotes, as it's a borrowing - probably from French.
7 hrs
agree gmel117608 : OK for US English, not for UK English - Gillian is right: The British have a peculiar love/hate affair with France
1 day 22 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs


Another possibility
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