Nov 8, 2008 14:48
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

addebito di proventi

Italian to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general) bank credit/loans
"spese per ogni addebito di proventi e/o ripresa dati"
Proposed translations (English)
1 +1 debit of income


James (Jim) Davis Nov 8, 2008:
I'm afraid, I can't imagine what this is about.
Simon Sobrero (asker) Nov 8, 2008:
LIST: Al credito di firma per il rilascio della Garanzia/dichiarazione sostitutiva di deposito: commissione: .........1...........%
spese per apertura pratica
spese per modifica o proroga
spese per invio della garanzia
spese per ogni addebito di proventi e/o ripresa dati:========(=======);
commissioni di trasferimento o per operazioni in cambi: ======(=======);
diritto fisso per esborso/escussione a mezzo SWIFT:======= (=======);
diritti di segreteria, con addebito trimestrale
commissioni per stampa ed invio lettere di trasparenza
comunicazione valutaria statistica: ========= (======).
James (Jim) Davis Nov 8, 2008:
Bit more of the Italian context please Simon. Ten words isn't much to go on.

Proposed translations

21 mins

debit of income

"Charges for all debits of income" Low because it just doesn't make any sense why a guarantee granted by a bank, I imagine, to replace a precautionary deposit should generate and "proventi" income which should then be "debited" charged. At least if it was a genuine deposit there might be interest on it, but this is just a signature.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Peter Cox : agree that it doesn't make sense!
13 hrs
agree deep_1235
1 day 21 hrs
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