Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

sealing/sealing up

Added to glossary by Emily Goodpaster
Oct 20, 2006 00:43
18 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Other Construction / Civil Engineering
Data la composizione del paramento murario del tamponamento, si potrebbe pensare che l’ambiente sia stato realizzato nel medesimo periodo dell'ambiente sottostante, dato che le stanze interne ad esso presentano i tamponamenti eretti con una analoga tessitura.

I'm struggling with this term as I can't seem to find an adequate equivalent.

It refers to abandoned rooms which have been blocked up, but what is the technical EN term for tamponamento in this context?

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Ivana UK (asker) Oct 20, 2006:
Si` - Ciao!!!!!! Hai ragione, e` un periodo che lavoro quasi sempre di sera e di notte (mi sembra di lavorare meglio). Qui sono ormai le 2 ed e` l'ora di andare a letto!! Ciao,

texjax DDS PhD Oct 20, 2006:
Nessuna domanda ne' risposta, ma visto che ci incrociamo sempre a sera tarda ti volevo salutare. Ciao!

Proposed translations

3 hrs

sealing/sealing up


I hope I understand the text, meaning an abandoned building that has had its windows and doors 'sealed up' with either cement or bricks?
If so, I found several valid references, depending on the material.
Example: 'cemented', 'cemented-up', 'cinder-blocked', 'boarded-up', etc.
But in general, it seems the most common expression used is 'to seal-up a window with cement blocks'. So I reduced to 'sealing up', so as not to confuse with 'window sealing' with silicone.

Not a pretty term , though, I realize. I'll keep looking....

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yep - you're right - we both brick up and seal up rooms. The term comes up at least 50 times in the text (no exaggeration) so I'll interchange between the two!"
2 mins

wall plug

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14 mins

"wall" enclosures

This would be my suggestion for this context.....
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16 hrs

wall padding

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