Dec 9, 2009 10:38
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

lavoratori in proprio

Italian to English Social Sciences Human Resources
normally I would translate this as "self-employed" but the text is about labour statistics and deals with the broad categories under "lavoratori autonomi" (for which I was using "self-employed") and "dipendenti" is an example:

"Alle 8:00 del mattino, infatti, sono al lavoro solo il 19,0 per cento dei liberi professionisti a fronte del 46,9 per cento degli imprenditori e del 43,4 per cento dei lavoratori in proprio."

Under specific types of autonomi/self-employed: free-lance professionals, business owners, and .... ?

Proposed translations

1 hr

other self-employed workers

Self employed
self-employed professionals, self employed business proprietors, other self-employed.
Peer comment(s):

agree cynthiatesser
7 hrs
agree Marzia Nicole Bucca
13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, this is what I had ... first instinct :)"
5 mins

self-employed (workers)

And "professionals" for "professionisti, cosa ne dici?

Note added at 5 min (2009-12-09 10:44:21 GMT)

Così hai le due possibilità .

Note added at 16 min (2009-12-09 10:54:43 GMT)

Crdo rimanga soltanto: "workers on their own" , come dice anche Pnina. Oppure separare: "free-lancers" e "professionals" per averne due a disposiz.
Note from asker:
il problema è questa: autonomi=self-employed sottocategorie: liberi professionisti=free-lance professionals imprenditori=business owners lavoratori in proprio=??
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11 mins

workers on their own terms

They are hired on their own terms.

Note added at 22 mins (2009-12-09 11:01:05 GMT)

I am adding a quotation.
"...the impending war for talent means that employers will have to accept the newest workers on their own terms."

Note added at 24 mins (2009-12-09 11:02:50 GMT)

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25 mins

independent workers/traders

I see your difficult, and hope this helps, although I'm no expert in this field

Note added at 1 hr (2009-12-09 11:52:14 GMT)

Er, I meant "I see your difficulty", not "I see you're difficult" :)
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