Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante

English translation:

Fiera del Levante Independent Organisation

Added to glossary by Therese Marshall
Apr 12, 2008 17:11
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term

Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Deed of partnership
Could you please help me with this term? Should Fiera del Levante be left untranslated?


Silvia Nigretto Apr 13, 2008:
Thank you very much, Therese!
ivanamdb Apr 12, 2008:
@ desertfox - if you go to , EN version, and go to the Targets & Activities you will see precisely what Silvia wrote in her answer+comment "The Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante, an independent organisation".that is the correct one.
Gad Kohenov Apr 12, 2008:
An annual fair with the same name (Firea del Levante) took place in Tel Aviv in the 20s and 30s. Must have copied the idea from Bari.
Gad Kohenov Apr 12, 2008:
An annual fa
The annual Fiera del Levante, an Occidental-Oriental trade fair, has been held
since 1930. No results were returned. Please consider rephrasing your query. ... - 26k - Similar pages

Silvia Nigretto Apr 12, 2008:
Yes, Therese, do as Ivana wrote! See the link & this phrase "The Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante, an independent organisation "
ivanamdb Apr 12, 2008:
leave it as it is, it is the name of a company (fair structure/organizers). If you have a look at their website, and check the EN version you will see for yourself that it has been left untranslated.

Proposed translations

6 mins

Fiera del Levante Independent Organisation

Hi Fiera del Levante is a name. For the rest of the phrase I would say Independent Organisation.
Here it is the link for F.d.L
Peer comment(s):

agree Giovanni Pizzati (X)
20 mins
Thank you Giovanni! By the way, maybe if this Fiera refers to Bari, the whole phrase shouldn't be translated... Thanks, thanks, thanks!
neutral ivanamdb : Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante è il nome intero dell'ente, anche nel loro sito (versione inglese) rimane tale quale
47 mins
hai ragione Ivana! Si potrebbe mettere com'è nel sito "The Ente Autonomo Fiera del Levante, an independent organisation "
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