Jun 19, 2012 12:54
12 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

A fronte del vincolo di cui al precedente articolo

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) non competition agreement
A fronte del vincolo di cui al precedente articolo, XXXXXX corrisponderà un compenso pari ad €uro ........... per il primo anno ed €uro ............ per il secondo e terzo anno, come quantificato all'art. 5 del contratto di mandato, di cui la presente scrittura è parte integrante.

Proposed translations

1 min

In view of the restriction specified in the previous article

there may be nicer ways of putting it but without any more context it's not easy to say
Peer comment(s):

agree James (Jim) Davis : constraint? I knew that already :) , but is there some legal nicety about "restrictions", a term I wouldn't have thought of.
1 hr
sounds good!
agree philgoddard : Yes, it would be nice to know what the restriction is.
2 hrs
agree maryrose : I would have said constraint, too, and also "clause" if it's a contract.
1 day 14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you very much for your help!"
3 days 6 hrs

pursuant to the obligation referenced in the preceding article

in addition to "constraint" or "restraint", "vincolo" can be used to indicate a binding clause, a contractual obligation and in this case that is exactly how I would translate it.
Another, less accurate option would be "pursuant to the content of the aforementioned clause"
"Pursuant to" is a legal expression which stands for "in accordance with and in compliance of" which effectively links one clause to the other as explained below

Pursuant To
canada.justice.gc.ca › Home › The Department › PublicationsDec 5, 2011 – The expression "pursuant to" is used in legal drafting to link a provision to another provision or to some factual matter. Although it is used in ...

pursuant to legal definition of pursuant to. pursuant to synonyms by ...
legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/pursuant+topursuant to preposition according to, agreeable to, agreeing to, commensurate with, compatible to, connorming to, consistent with, consonant with, in accord with ...

Note added at 3 days6 hrs (2012-06-22 19:50:41 GMT)

a perfect example of this usage is
"vincolo matrimoniale" the bond of matrimony
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