Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by texjax DDS PhD
Apr 21, 2008 10:52
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term


Italian to English Other Livestock / Animal Husbandry horse breeding
(NAME) è una puledra di grande struttura, nevrile e con forte personalità.

I've found this definition of "nevrile", but have no idea what it might correspond to in English:

L’animale nevrile è contemporaneamente guizzante e statuario nei suoi atteggiamenti. La sua pelle, ben aderente al corpo, non presenta abbondanze in nessun punto. Esemplari di animali nevrili si trovano fra gli equini (il cavallo) e i cervidi (il cervo stesso), mentre molto meno nevrile, anche se guizzante e veloce, è qualsiasi felino.
Change log

Apr 30, 2008 14:50: texjax DDS PhD Created KOG entry


texjax DDS PhD Apr 21, 2008:
A titolo di curiosità, e per regalarvi un piccolo sorriso, vi metto un link che ho trovato facendo le ricerche per il termine. (Ma non si rendono conto di essere ridicoli?) .htm
Rachel Fell Apr 21, 2008:
sounds to some extent like highly-strung to me, though that doesn't sound positive enough perhaps
Alexandra Speirs (asker) Apr 21, 2008:
adjective Maybe something like "bold"?
Gad Kohenov Apr 21, 2008:
avv. sfacciatamente, coraggiosamente

Proposed translations

1 hr


nevrile si riferisce al temperamento.

Though spirited in temperament, akhaltekes are by all accounts gentle and loyal to their owners, yet aloof with strangers.

Note from asker:
Thanks, I think we're getting there...
Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell : for intelligence, spirit, and stamina...high spirit and alertness
16 mins
grazie Rachel!
agree Kimberly Wastler : When I rode (ages ago!), I always wanted this kind of horse - large, sprited, with a strong personality. My favorite was named "Witch", 18 hands, and lots of fun!
19 hrs
Thank you. Hi Kim, maybe you should ride again. I'm sure you're still great at it!
agree Alison Frank
3 days 5 hrs
Thank you Alison. The evolution of the horse is simply beautiful. You are very talented.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. Also for the site with the weird translation, comic relief is always welcome!"
18 mins


The Brazen Horse of Troy and other Google hits are proving it I think.
Note from asker:
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1 hr


maybe something like hot-blooded, fiery, spirited?
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree texjax DDS PhD : agree with spirited :)
13 mins
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1 hr


Shergar: 25 years on, the mystery that won't go away - Yorkshire Post
29 Jan 2008 ... However, he pointed out there was a world of difference between caring for a child's pony and a highly-strung racehorse. ... - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

Farmers Guardian - Retraining racehorses to become riding horses
18 May 2007 ... “Foals are looked after like gold dust and you’ve got to remember they’re very highly strung.” Racehorses are broken in differently to ... - 24k -

Newmarket Connections, Newmarket tours, Newmarket races pubs bars ...
Racing’s people face potential dangers whenever they are handling the highly strung Thoroughbred racehorse. The long hours in adverse weather conditions can ... - 32k

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15 Oct 2007 ... "As well as being beautiful they have a wonderful nature and are perfect for people who don't want a highly strung cat. ... - Similar pages

Catteries: fab listed boarding catteries (2)
"The staff are very friendly, even with my very highly strung cat." "I have used other catteries in the past but this is by far the best my cat has ever ...

Note added at 1 hr (2008-04-21 12:49:49 GMT)

"alert" might work better

I fell in love with her sweet disposition and I learned that Arabians were not the high-strung, hard to manage breed that I had heard; but, instead, were extremely sensitive to human feelings, highly alert to their surroundings, and very lovable.
Note from asker:
Thanks. As you say, it may not be a positive thing...
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4 hrs

sensitive horse

la definizione che hai trovato tu è secondo me un po' parziale, o meglio, descrive in un certo senso le "conseguenze psicosomatiche" del carattere nevrile.
Infatti, nevrile identifica sia il carattere sia il tipo di comportamento (e quindi aspetto e tipo di movimenti) che ne deriva del cavallo

per esempio
The next thing to assess is your horse's level of sensitivity. Many horses are very sensitive, but lack attention or awareness. A sensitive horse often over-reacts to all kinds of stimulus from sounds, smells, sight, taste and touch, as well as diet and other changes. He will often have tense muscles if he internalizes his stress reaction."

e anche

Note added at 11 hrs (2008-04-21 21:58:56 GMT)

ah, chiaramente solo 'sensitive' :)
e so che sembra molto lontano da 'nevrile', eppure è il termine più appropriato e preciso che ho trovato per renderne appieno il senso
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1 day 17 hrs


I think that up tight, high strung are good choices but the closest word you are looking for would be nervy.
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