Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:

receding hairline

Added to glossary by achisholm
Nov 27, 2006 13:39
18 yrs ago
Italian term


Italian to English Medical Medical (general) alopecia
"Nella donna in menopausa è invece frequente notare anche una stempiatura, simile a quella che si osserva nel maschio.."
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 receding hairline

Proposed translations

5 mins

receding hairline

Peer comment(s):

agree Rosanna Palermo : tempie is temples, that is the part of the forehead above the outside corner of the eyebrows
3 mins
agree Caterina Passari : Perfetto!!!:)
9 mins
agree Giuliana d'Orazi Flavoni : totaly agree
1 hr
agree Katharine Prucha
1 hr
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks."
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