This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Nov 14, 2000 03:03
24 yrs ago
Italian term
Italian to English
Don't really have much context. It's part of a series of tests that a clinical trial subject is submitted to. I think it has something to do with fingers
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
not with fingers
I could not find any reference, neither in Italian, nor in English, but I think it does not have to do with fingers, but rather with incompetent heart valves.. Maybe it's about a test to investigate if there's any incompetent valve.
Hope it helps,
Hope it helps,
Comment: "turned out to be meadursing the size of the fingers"
3 hrs
What I believe they may be doing here, is checking the annularity, that is the "ROUNDNESS" of the object being tested (i.e. in carousels, or shaped/stamped items).
Comment: "turned out to be meadursing the size of the fingers"
22 hrs
particle size
Odd question, odder answer. Anulare is a finger (I think it's called ring finger in English), but that doesn't really help with "anulometria" does it! I just wondered if you could find a loose "gr" somewhere in your text, which would give you a more reassuring "granulometria"!
Odd question, odder answer. Anulare is a finger (I think it's called ring finger in English), but that doesn't really help with "anulometria" does it! I just wondered if you could find a loose "gr" somewhere in your text, which would give you a more reassuring "granulometria"!
Comment: "turned out to be meadursing the size of the fingers"
4 days
An annulus is a round opening, or a small round clearance (between two concentric pipes for example)
I think, too that "anus" is related to "annulus". Some medical exams consist of examining the rectum, either with fingers or probes.
Since this is a clinical subject presumably being examined. then the idea of a rectal (anal) exam seems to fit.
"metria" is related to "meter" a unit of measurement, and therefore is just means taking measurements.
One of the previous answers refers to the ring finger, and uses the word anular. "Anelar" is I think the correct word for the ring finger.
Luis M. Luis
Since this is a clinical subject presumably being examined. then the idea of a rectal (anal) exam seems to fit.
"metria" is related to "meter" a unit of measurement, and therefore is just means taking measurements.
One of the previous answers refers to the ring finger, and uses the word anular. "Anelar" is I think the correct word for the ring finger.
Luis M. Luis
Comment: "turned out to be meadursing the size of the fingers"
546 days
annulus evaluation
Non avendo scovato il termine preciso, trovo che l'anuloplastica è la plastica dell'"annulus" valvolare (specialmente della mitrale). Prima di eseguire interventi di questo genere, è ovvio che si debba valutare la situazione (dimensioni e condizioni dell'anello fibroso).
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