Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

percorsi di pensiero

English translation:

development of thought/thinking

Sep 18, 2005 23:08
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

percorsi di pensiero

Italian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Si tratterà di ricostruire genealogicamente nei due autori, inseriti a loro volta nel panorama contemporaneo, i loro diversi **percorsi di pensiero** per palesare le peculiari motivazioni che conducono entrambi, partendo da tradizioni e luoghi differenti, a un esito non dissimile ma neanche perfettamente sovrapponibile
Change log

Sep 18, 2005 23:58: transparx changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (3): Linda 969, Lindsay Sabadosa (X), transparx

Non-PRO (1): Costanza T.

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

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Proposed translations

11 hrs

development of thought/thinking

visto che si parla di tracciare il percorso di pari passo con le biografie degli autori, *development* potrebbe essere una soluzione; se fosse possibile aggiungerei un aggettivo prima di *thought*

e quindi proporrei una frase sul tipo di

*trace ... the development of their separate (literary)thought /thinking*

buon lavoro (sembra un testo impegnativo ...)

Note added at 3 days 14 hrs 3 mins (2005-09-22 13:12:20 GMT)

counter to Alfredo's suggestion, my impression is that
*trace the development* may fit better than *trace the course*
it actually seems to be far more frequently used, too"trace the developm...

vs"trace the course"&...

adding *literary* the search seems to confirm this"trace the developm...

vs"trace the course o...


Peer comment(s):

agree Luisa Piussi : buono il "trace..."
22 hrs
grazie Luisa ;-)
agree Alfredo Tutino : trace seems quite good - then you should say "course" rather than "development" - as a matter of course... - and let's get a bit off-course, then!
3 days 2 hrs
Thanks, Alfredo! but *trace the development* gets a whopping 216,000 hits ;-))//Alfredo you got me laughing out loud :-))))))))
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie a tutti"
41 mins

chains of thought

Unless I'm missing something, I believe it is more common to refer to one's thought process as a "chain of thought" rather than as a path as is used in the Italian.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Luisa Piussi : one's thought process in Italian is "percorsi mentali"/thought process is in your explanation: just wanted to help to avoid misunderstandings :-)
19 hrs
Yes, I was aware of that but my answer, if you look above, wasn't "thought process" but "chain of thought." Not quite sure exactly what you were trying to point out...
Something went wrong...
52 mins

ways of thinking

I think that would respect the meaning.
Peer comment(s):

agree Claire Titchmarsh (X)
21 hrs
Thanks Claire
agree Mario Calvagna : questa é quella che mi sembra piú chiara
1 day 8 hrs
Grazie Mario
Something went wrong...
11 mins

paths of thought/meditation OR thought paths/pathways

This is just an idea.

Ciao, Ciao

Note added at 1 hr 26 mins (2005-09-19 00:34:49 GMT)

In English, we do also have the term: thought forms, but this is entirely metaphysical.
Peer comment(s):

agree transparx
37 mins
Thank you
agree verbis
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

course of thought

here "pensiero" is not referred to the thinking process but rather to the doctrine, philosophy, point of view, teachings...
Peer comment(s):

agree Mgan
10 hrs
neutral Mario Calvagna : personally i feel percorso di pensiero is the thinking process. Obviously one's thinking process is always influenced by doctrine, philosopy, point of view, teachings etc. but this is another matter. my opinion anyway
1 day 1 hr
eh, sì, il dilemma è tra elaborazione mentale personale e percorsi "culturali" scelti. forse con tutto il testo. grazie mario
agree Alfredo Tutino : I'd mix your solution with Linda's proposal to get "trace the course(s?) of their thinking"
3 days 4 hrs
yeah, I liked that "trace" too :-) thanks
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

thought patterns

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